rusp 0.7.0

The Rust USP toolkit
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::usp::{
    Add, Body, Delete, Error, Get, GetInstances, GetSupportedDM, GetSupportedProtocol, Header, Msg,
    Notify, Operate, Request, Response, Set,
use crate::usp_record::Record;
use crate::usp_types::NotifyType;

/// Wraps the body of a USP Msg into a USP Msg with the specified message ID
/// # Arguments
/// * `msg_id` - The message ID to put into the USP Msg
/// * `body` - The message body USP Msg
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::{usp_msg, usp_get_request};
/// let newmsg = usp_msg(
///     "fancymsgid".to_string(),
///     usp_get_request(&["Device.", "Device.DeviceInfo."]),
/// );
/// ```
pub fn usp_msg(msg_id: String, body: Body) -> Msg {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Header::MsgType::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Response::OneOfresp_type::*;

    let msg_type = match &body.msg_body {
        request(ref req) => match &req.req_type {
            get(_) => GET,
            get_supported_dm(_) => GET_SUPPORTED_DM,
            get_instances(_) => GET_INSTANCES,
            set(_) => SET,
            add(_) => ADD,
            delete(_) => DELETE,
            operate(_) => OPERATE,
            notify(_) => NOTIFY,
            get_supported_protocol(_) => GET_SUPPORTED_PROTO,
            _ => unreachable!(),
        response(ref resp) => match &resp.resp_type {
            get_resp(_) => GET_RESP,
            get_supported_dm_resp(_) => GET_SUPPORTED_DM_RESP,
            get_instances_resp(_) => GET_INSTANCES_RESP,
            set_resp(_) => SET_RESP,
            add_resp(_) => ADD_RESP,
            delete_resp(_) => DELETE_RESP,
            operate_resp(_) => OPERATE_RESP,
            notify_resp(_) => NOTIFY_RESP,
            get_supported_protocol_resp(_) => GET_SUPPORTED_PROTO_RESP,
            _ => unreachable!(),
        error(_) => ERROR,
        _ => ERROR,

    Msg {
        header: Some(Header {
            msg_id: Cow::from(msg_id),
        body: Some(body),

/// Creates a body for a USP Msg with an USP Error
/// # Arguments
/// * `code` - The USP error code, MUST be between 7000 and 7999
/// * `message` - A `Option<String>` containing the user readable messge. Will be automatically
///               filled in for standard error codes if not supplied
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_simple_error;
/// let err = usp_simple_error(7001, None);
/// ```
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_simple_error;
/// let err = usp_simple_error(7803, Some("Funny custom vendor error".into()));
/// ```
/// ```should_panic
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_simple_error;
/// let err = usp_simple_error(8000, None);
/// ```
pub fn usp_simple_error<'a>(code: u32, message: Option<String>) -> Body<'a> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;

    let err_msg = message.unwrap_or_else(|| {
        match code {
            7000 => "Message failed",
            7001 => "Message not supported",
            7002 => "Request denied (no reason specified)",
            7003 => "Internal error",
            7004 => "Invalid arguments",
            7005 => "Resources exceeded",
            7006 => "Permission denied",
            7007 => "Invalid configuration",
            7008 => "Invalid path syntax",
            7009 => "Parameter action failed",
            7010 => "Unsupported parameter",
            7011 => "Invalid type",
            7012 => "Invalid value",
            7013 => "Attempt to update non-writeable parameter",
            7014 => "Value conflict",
            7015 => "Operation error",
            7016 => "Object does not exist",
            7017 => "Object could not be created",
            7018 => "Object is not a table",
            7019 => "Attempt to create non-creatable Object",
            7020 => "Object could not be updated",
            7021 => "Required parameter failed",
            7022 => "Command failure",
            7023 => "Command canceled",
            7024 => "Delete failure",
            7025 => "Object exists with duplicate key",
            7026 => "Invalid path",
            7027 => "Invalid Command Arguments",
            7800..=7999 => "Vendor specific",
            _ => unreachable!(),

    Body {
        msg_body: error({
            Error {
                err_code: code,
                err_msg: err_msg.into(),
                param_errs: [].to_vec(),

/// Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP Get request
/// # Arguments
/// * `params` - An array of parameter/object names to put into the Get request
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_get_request;
/// let req = usp_get_request(&["Device.", "Device.DeviceInfo."]);
/// ```
pub fn usp_get_request<S: AsRef<str>>(params: &'_ [S]) -> Body<'_> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: get({
                    let mut getr = Get::default();
                    for path in params {

/// Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP Add request
/// # Arguments
/// * `allow_partial` - A boolean indicating whether partial execution of the Set command is permitted
/// * `args` - An array of tuples consisting of an object path and a arrow of tuples consisting of parametername, value and required flag to put into the Set request
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_add_request;
/// let req = usp_add_request(true, &[("Device.DeviceInfo.", &[("ProvisioningCode", "configured", true)])]);
/// ```
pub fn usp_add_request<S: AsRef<str>, V: AsRef<[(S, S, bool)]>>(
    allow_partial: bool,
    args: &'_ [(S, V)],
) -> Body<'_> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: add({
                    let mut addr = Add::default();
                    addr.allow_partial = allow_partial;
                    for (dir, pars) in args {
                        let mut obj: crate::usp::mod_Add::CreateObject =
                        obj.obj_path = Cow::Borrowed(dir.as_ref());
                        for par in pars.as_ref() {
                                .push(crate::usp::mod_Add::CreateParamSetting {
                                    param: Cow::Borrowed(par.0.as_ref()),
                                    value: Cow::Borrowed(par.1.as_ref()),
                                    required: par.2,

/// Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP Delete request
/// # Arguments
/// * `allow_partial` - A boolean indicating whether partial execution of the Set command is permitted
/// * `obj_paths` - An array of paths specifying the objects to delete
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_delete_request;
/// let req = usp_delete_request(true, &["Device.XMPP.Connection.1."]);
/// ```
pub fn usp_delete_request<S: AsRef<str>>(allow_partial: bool, obj_paths: &'_ [S]) -> Body<'_> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: delete({
                    Delete {
                        obj_paths: obj_paths
                            .map(|e| Cow::Borrowed(e.as_ref()))

/// Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP Set request
/// # Arguments
/// * `allow_partial` - A boolean indicating whether partial execution of the Set command is permitted
/// * `args` - An array of tuples consisting of an object path and a arrow of tuples consisting of parametername, value and required flag to put into the Set request
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_set_request;
/// let req = usp_set_request(true, &[("Device.DeviceInfo.", &[("ProvisioningCode", "configured", true)])]);
/// ```
pub fn usp_set_request<S: AsRef<str>, V: AsRef<[(S, S, bool)]>>(
    allow_partial: bool,
    args: &'_ [(S, V)],
) -> Body<'_> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: set({
                    let mut setr = Set::default();
                    setr.allow_partial = allow_partial;
                    for (dir, pars) in args {
                        let mut obj: crate::usp::mod_Set::UpdateObject =
                        obj.obj_path = Cow::Borrowed(dir.as_ref());
                        for par in pars.as_ref() {
                                .push(crate::usp::mod_Set::UpdateParamSetting {
                                    param: Cow::Borrowed(par.0.as_ref()),
                                    value: Cow::Borrowed(par.1.as_ref()),
                                    required: par.2,

/// Wraps the body of a USP Msg with a USP Notify request
/// # Arguments
/// * `sub_id` - The subscription_id for the Notify
/// * `send_resp` - Whether this requests expects a response to be sent
/// * `typ` - A filled out `NotifyType` structure
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_types::NotifyType;
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_notify_request;
/// let req = usp_notify_request("", true, NotifyType::OnBoardRequest {
///     oui: "ABCABC".to_string(),
///     product_class: "PC".to_string(),
///     serial_number: "000000".to_string(),
///     agent_supported_protocol_versions: "1.0".to_string()
/// });
/// ```
pub fn usp_notify_request<'a>(sub_id: &'a str, send_resp: bool, typ: &'a NotifyType) -> Body<'a> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Notify::mod_OperationComplete::OneOfoperation_resp;
    use crate::usp::mod_Notify::OneOfnotification::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Notify::{
        Event, ObjectCreation, ObjectDeletion, OnBoardRequest, OperationComplete, ValueChange,
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;
    use crate::usp_types::OperateResponse;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: notify({
                    let mut notr = Notify::default();
                    notr.subscription_id = sub_id.into();
                    notr.send_resp = send_resp;
                    notr.notification = match typ {
                        NotifyType::OnBoardRequest {
                        } => on_board_req(OnBoardRequest {
                            agent_supported_protocol_versions: agent_supported_protocol_versions
                            oui: oui.into(),
                            product_class: product_class.into(),
                            serial_number: serial_number.into(),
                        NotifyType::ValueChange {
                        } => value_change(ValueChange {
                            param_path: param_path.into(),
                            param_value: param_value.into(),
                        NotifyType::Event {
                        } => event(Event {
                            obj_path: obj_path.into(),
                            event_name: event_name.into(),
                            params: params
                                .map(|(k, v)| {
                                    (Cow::Borrowed(k.as_ref()), Cow::Borrowed(v.as_ref()))
                                .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(),
                        NotifyType::ObjectCreation {
                        } => obj_creation(ObjectCreation {
                            obj_path: obj_path.into(),
                            unique_keys: unique_keys
                                .map(|(k, v)| {
                                    (Cow::Borrowed(k.as_ref()), Cow::Borrowed(v.as_ref()))
                                .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(),
                        NotifyType::ObjectDeletion { obj_path } => obj_deletion(ObjectDeletion {
                            obj_path: obj_path.into(),
                        NotifyType::OperationComplete {
                        } => oper_complete(OperationComplete {
                            obj_path: obj_path.into(),
                            command_name: command_name.into(),
                            command_key: command_key.into(),
                            operation_resp: match operation_resp {
                                OperateResponse::OutputArgs(h) => {
                                        crate::usp::mod_Notify::mod_OperationComplete::OutputArgs {
                                            output_args: h
                                                .map(|(k, v)| {
                                                .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(),
                                OperateResponse::CommandFailure(code, msg) => {
                                        {err_code: *code, err_msg: Cow::Borrowed(msg)}

/// Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP Operate request
/// # Arguments
/// * `command` - The full pathname of of the command to execute
/// * `command_key` - The command key to use in the request to allow later matching with a result
/// * `send_resp` - A boolean indicating whether a response is expected in reply to this request
/// * `args` - An array of tuples containing the command input arguments with path names and values
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_operate_request;
/// let req = usp_operate_request("Device.Reboot()", "acommandkey", true, &[]);
/// ```
pub fn usp_operate_request<'a, V: AsRef<[(&'a str, &'a str)]>>(
    command: &'a str,
    command_key: &'a str,
    send_resp: bool,
    args: V,
) -> Body<'a> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: operate({
                    let mut operater = Operate::default();
                    operater.command = Cow::Borrowed(command);
                    operater.command_key = Cow::Borrowed(command_key);
                    operater.send_resp = send_resp;
                    operater.input_args = args
                        .map(|(k, v)| (Cow::Borrowed(*k), Cow::Borrowed(*v)))
                        .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

/// Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP GetInstances request
/// # Arguments
/// * `obj_paths` - An array of parameter/object names to put into the GetInstances request
/// * `first_level_only` - Whether to just return information for the requested path or recursively
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_get_instances_request;
/// let req = usp_get_instances_request(&["Device.", "Device.DeviceInfo."], true);
/// ```
pub fn usp_get_instances_request<S: AsRef<str>>(
    obj_paths: &'_ [S],
    first_level_only: bool,
) -> Body<'_> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: get_instances({
                    let mut getinr = GetInstances {
                    for path in obj_paths {

/// Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP GetSupportedDM request
/// # Arguments
/// * `paths` - An array of parameter/object names to put into the GetSupportedDM request
/// * `first_level_only` - Whether to just return information for the requested path or recursively
/// * `return_commands` - Return commands in response
/// * `return_events` - Return events in response
/// * `return_params` - Return parameters in response
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_get_supported_dm_request;
/// let req = usp_get_supported_dm_request(&["Device.", "Device.DeviceInfo."], false, true, true, true);
/// ```
pub fn usp_get_supported_dm_request<S: AsRef<str>>(
    paths: &'_ [S],
    first_level_only: bool,
    return_commands: bool,
    return_events: bool,
    return_params: bool,
) -> Body<'_> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: get_supported_dm({
                    let mut getsdmr = GetSupportedDM {
                    for path in paths {

/// Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP GetSupportedProtocol request
/// # Arguments
/// * `cspv` - The controller supported protocol version
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_get_supported_prototol_request;
/// let req = usp_get_supported_prototol_request("1.1");
/// ```
pub fn usp_get_supported_prototol_request(cspv: &str) -> Body {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Request::OneOfreq_type::*;

    Body {
        msg_body: request({
            Request {
                req_type: get_supported_protocol({
                    GetSupportedProtocol {
                        controller_supported_protocol_versions: Cow::Borrowed(cspv),

/// Creates a body for a USP Msg with a USP GetResp response
/// # Arguments
/// * `result` - A vector of Result tuples to put into the GetResp response
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_get_response;
/// let resp = usp_get_response(vec![
///         ("Device.", Ok(vec![("Device.", vec![("Foo", "Bar")])])),
///         ("Dev.", Err((7000, "Message failed"))),
///     ]);
/// ```
pub fn usp_get_response<'a>(
    result: Vec<(
        &'a str,
        Result<Vec<(&'a str, Vec<(&'a str, &'a str)>)>, (u32, &'a str)>,
) -> Body<'a> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_GetResp::{RequestedPathResult, ResolvedPathResult};
    use crate::usp::mod_Response::OneOfresp_type::*;
    use crate::usp::GetResp;

    Body {
        msg_body: response({
            Response {
                resp_type: get_resp({
                    let mut getr = GetResp::default();
                    for (path, state) in result {
                        getr.req_path_results.push(match state {
                            Ok(success) => {
                                let mut respaths = Vec::default();
                                for (path, params) in success {
                                    respaths.push(ResolvedPathResult {
                                        resolved_path: Cow::Borrowed(path),
                                        result_params: params
                                            .map(|(k, v)| (Cow::Borrowed(k), Cow::Borrowed(v)))
                                            .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(),

                                RequestedPathResult {
                                    requested_path: Cow::Borrowed(path),
                                    err_code: 0,
                                    err_msg: Cow::Borrowed(""),
                                    resolved_path_results: respaths,
                            Err(failure) => RequestedPathResult {
                                requested_path: Cow::Borrowed(path),
                                err_code: failure.0,
                                err_msg: Cow::Borrowed(failure.1),
                                resolved_path_results: Vec::default(),

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ResolvedPathResult<'a> {
    resolved_path: &'a str,
    result_params: HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct RequestedPathResult<'a> {
    requested_path: &'a str,
    err_code: u32,
    err_msg: &'a str,
    resolved_path_results: Vec<ResolvedPathResult<'a>>,

pub type GetResp<'a> = Vec<RequestedPathResult<'a>>;

/// Creates a body for a USP Msg with a USP GetResp response
/// # Arguments
/// * `result` - A vector of Result tuples to put into the GetResp response
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::{usp_get_response_from_json, GetResp};
/// let json = r#"[{"requested_path": "bar", "err_code" : 0, "err_msg" : "", "resolved_path_results" : [{"resolved_path": "Device.", "result_params": {"Device.Foo": "bar"}}]}]"#;
/// let deserialised : GetResp = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
/// let resp = usp_get_response_from_json(&deserialised);
/// ```
pub fn usp_get_response_from_json<'a>(getresp: &[RequestedPathResult<'a>]) -> Body<'a> {
    let mut d: Vec<(&str, Result<Vec<(&str, Vec<(&str, &str)>)>, (u32, &str)>)> =
    for req_path_result in getresp {
        //let name = &req_path_result.requested_path;
        match req_path_result.err_code {
            0 => {
                let mut resolved_path_result: Vec<(&str, Vec<(&str, &str)>)> = Default::default();

                for res_path in &req_path_result.resolved_path_results {
                            .map(|(k, v)| (*k, *v))
                d.push((&req_path_result.requested_path, Ok(resolved_path_result)))

            _ => d.push((
                Err((req_path_result.err_code, &req_path_result.err_msg)),


/// Wraps a Usp Msg into an "no_session_context" USP Record with the specified record information
/// # Arguments
/// * `msg_id` - The message ID to put into the USP Msg
/// * `body` - The message body USP Msg
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::{usp_no_session_context_record};
/// let newrecord = usp_no_session_context_record(
///     "",
///     "proto::myfancyrecipient",
///     "proto::anonymous",
///     &[],
/// );
/// ```
pub fn usp_no_session_context_record<'a>(
    version: &'a str,
    to_id: &'a str,
    from_id: &'a str,
    msg: &'a [u8],
) -> Record<'a> {
    use crate::usp_record::mod_Record::OneOfrecord_type::no_session_context;
    use crate::usp_record::NoSessionContextRecord;

    Record {
        version: version.into(),
        to_id: to_id.into(),
        from_id: from_id.into(),
        sender_cert: Cow::Borrowed(b""),
        mac_signature: Cow::Borrowed(b""),
        payload_security: "".into(),
        record_type: no_session_context(NoSessionContextRecord {
            payload: msg.into(),

/// Creates a body for a USP Msg with a USP NotifyResp response
/// # Arguments
/// * `result` - A vector of Result tuples to put into the NotifyResp response
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusp::usp_generator::usp_notify_response;
/// let resp = usp_notify_response("fancy_sub_id");
/// ```
pub fn usp_notify_response(subscription_id: &'_ str) -> Body<'_> {
    use crate::usp::mod_Body::OneOfmsg_body::*;
    use crate::usp::mod_Response::OneOfresp_type::*;
    use crate::usp::NotifyResp;

    Body {
        msg_body: response({
            Response {
                resp_type: notify_resp({
                    NotifyResp {
                        subscription_id: Cow::Borrowed(subscription_id),