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Amazon Augmented AI (Amazon A2I) adds the benefit of human judgment to any machine learning application. When an AI application can't evaluate data with a high degree of confidence, human reviewers can take over. This human review is called a human review workflow. To create and start a human review workflow, you need three resources: a worker task template, a flow definition, and a human loop.

For information about these resources and prerequisites for using Amazon A2I, see Get Started with Amazon Augmented AI in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

This API reference includes information about API actions and data types that you can use to interact with Amazon A2I programmatically. Use this guide to:

  • Start a human loop with the StartHumanLoop operation when using Amazon A2I with a custom task type. To learn more about the difference between custom and built-in task types, see Use Task Types . To learn how to start a human loop using this API, see Create and Start a Human Loop for a Custom Task Type in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

  • Manage your human loops. You can list all human loops that you have created, describe individual human loops, and stop and delete human loops. To learn more, see Monitor and Manage Your Human Loop in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

Amazon A2I integrates APIs from various AWS services to create and start human review workflows for those services. To learn how Amazon A2I uses these APIs, see Use APIs in Amazon A2I in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for SagemakerA2iRuntimeClient and SagemakerA2iRuntime.


Attributes of the data specified by the customer. Use these to describe the data to be labeled.

An object containing the human loop input in JSON format.

Information about where the human output will be stored.

Summary information about the human loop.

A client for the Amazon Augmented AI Runtime API.


Errors returned by DeleteHumanLoop

Errors returned by DescribeHumanLoop

Errors returned by ListHumanLoops

Errors returned by StartHumanLoop

Errors returned by StopHumanLoop


Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon Augmented AI Runtime API. Amazon Augmented AI Runtime clients implement this trait.