Crate rusoto_kendra[][src]

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Amazon Kendra is a service for indexing large document sets.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for KendraClient and Kendra.


Access Control List files for the documents in a data source. For the format of the file, see Access control for S3 data sources.

Provides information about the column that should be used for filtering the query response by groups.

An attribute returned from an index query.

An attribute returned with a document from a search.

Provides filtering the query results based on document attributes.

When you use the AndAllFilters or OrAllFilters, filters you can use 2 layers under the first attribute filter. For example, you can use:


  1. <OrAllFilters>

  2. <EqualTo>

If you use more than 2 layers, you receive a ValidationException exception with the message "AttributeFilter cannot have a depth of more than 2."

Provides the configuration information to connect to websites that require user authentication.

Provides the configuration information to connect to websites that require basic user authentication.

Provides information about documents that could not be removed from an index by the BatchDeleteDocument operation.

Provides a response when the status of a document could not be retrieved.

Provides information about a document that could not be indexed.

Specifies capacity units configured for your enterprise edition index. You can add and remove capacity units to tune an index to your requirements.

Gathers information about when a particular result was clicked by a user. Your application uses the SubmitFeedback operation to provide click information.

Provides information about how Amazon Kendra should use the columns of a database in an index.

Specifies the attachment settings for the Confluence data source. Attachment settings are optional, if you don't specify settings attachments, Amazon Kendra won't index them.

Defines the mapping between a field in the Confluence data source to a Amazon Kendra index field.

You must first create the index field using the UpdateIndex operation.

Specifies the blog settings for the Confluence data source. Blogs are always indexed unless filtered from the index by the ExclusionPatterns or InclusionPatterns fields in the ConfluenceConfiguration type.

Defines the mapping between a blog field in the Confluence data source to a Amazon Kendra index field.

You must first create the index field using the UpdateIndex operation.

Provides configuration information for data sources that connect to Confluence.

Specifies the page settings for the Confluence data source.

Defines the mapping between a field in the Confluence data source to a Amazon Kendra index field.

You must first create the index field using the UpdateIndex operation.

Specifies the configuration for indexing Confluence spaces.

Defines the mapping between a field in the Confluence data source to a Amazon Kendra index field.

You must first create the index field using the UpdateIndex operation.

Provides the information necessary to connect to a database.

Configuration information for a Amazon Kendra data source.

Summary information for a Amazon Kendra data source. Returned in a call to the DescribeDataSource operation.

Provides information about a synchronization job.

Maps a particular data source sync job to a particular data source.

Maps a batch delete document request to a specific data source sync job. This is optional and should only be supplied when documents are deleted by a data source connector.

Maps a column or attribute in the data source to an index field. You must first create the fields in the index using the UpdateIndex operation.

Provides information for connecting to an Amazon VPC.

Provides the information necessary to connect a database to an index.

A document in an index.

A custom attribute value assigned to a document.

The value of a custom document attribute. You can only provide one value for a custom attribute.

Provides the count of documents that match a particular attribute when doing a faceted search.

Identifies a document for which to retrieve status information

Specifies the properties of a custom index field.

Overrides the document relevance properties of a custom index field.

Document metadata files that contain information such as the document access control information, source URI, document author, and custom attributes. Each metadata file contains metadata about a single document.

Information about a document attribute

The facet values for the documents in the response.

Provides statistical information about the FAQ questions and answers contained in an index.

Provides information about a frequently asked questions and answer contained in an index.

Provides configuration information for data sources that connect to Google Drive.

Provides information that you can use to highlight a search result so that your users can quickly identify terms in the response.

A summary of information about an index.

Provides information about the number of documents and the number of questions and answers in an index.

Configuration information for the JSON token type.

Configuration information for the JWT token type.

A client for the kendra API.

Provides configuration information for data sources that connect to OneDrive.

User accounts whose documents should be indexed.

Provides user and group information for document access filtering.

Provides the configuration information for a web proxy to connect to website hosts.

A single query result.

A query result contains information about a document returned by the query. This includes the original location of the document, a list of attributes assigned to the document, and relevant text from the document that satisfies the query.

Summary information on a query suggestions block list.

This includes information on the block list ID, block list name, when the block list was created, when the block list was last updated, and the count of block words/phrases in the block list.

For information on the current quota limits for block lists, see Quotas for Amazon Kendra.

Provides information for manually tuning the relevance of a field in a search. When a query includes terms that match the field, the results are given a boost in the response based on these tuning parameters.

Provides feedback on how relevant a document is to a search. Your application uses the SubmitFeedback operation to provide relevance information.

Provides configuration information for a data source to index documents in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Information required to find a specific file in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Defines configuration for syncing a Salesforce chatter feed. The contents of the object comes from the Salesforce FeedItem table.

Provides configuration information for connecting to a Salesforce data source.

Provides configuration information for indexing Salesforce custom articles.

Specifies configuration information for the knowledge article types that Amazon Kendra indexes. Amazon Kendra indexes standard knowledge articles and the standard fields of knowledge articles, or the custom fields of custom knowledge articles, but not both

Provides configuration information for standard Salesforce knowledge articles.

Provides configuration information for processing attachments to Salesforce standard objects.

Specifies configuration information for indexing a single standard object.

Provides a relative ranking that indicates how confident Amazon Kendra is that the response matches the query.

Provides information about how a custom index field is used during a search.

Provides the configuration information of the seed or starting point URLs to crawl.

When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the Amazon Acceptable Use Policy and all other Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use the Amazon Kendra web crawler to index your own webpages, or webpages that you have authorization to index.

Provides the identifier of the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra. Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.

Provides configuration information required to connect to a ServiceNow data source.

Provides configuration information for crawling knowledge articles in the ServiceNow site.

Provides configuration information for crawling service catalog items in the ServiceNow site

Provides configuration information for connecting to a Microsoft SharePoint data source.

Provides the configuration information of the sitemap URLs to crawl.

When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the Amazon Acceptable Use Policy and all other Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use the Amazon Kendra web crawler to index your own webpages, or webpages that you have authorization to index.

Specifies the document attribute to use to sort the response to a Amazon Kendra query. You can specify a single attribute for sorting. The attribute must have the Sortable flag set to true, otherwise Amazon Kendra returns an exception.

You can sort attributes of the following types.

  • Date value

  • Long value

  • String value

You can't sort attributes of the following type.

  • String list value

Provides information that configures Amazon Kendra to use a SQL database.

Provides information about the status of documents submitted for indexing.

A single query suggestion.

The text highlights for a single query suggestion.

Provides text and information about where to highlight the query suggestion text.

The SuggestionTextWithHighlights structure information.

A list of key/value pairs that identify an index, FAQ, or data source. Tag keys and values can consist of Unicode letters, digits, white space, and any of the following symbols: _ . : / = + - @.

Provides information about text documents indexed in an index.

Provides text and information about where to highlight the text.

An array of summary information for one or more thesauruses.

Provides a range of time.

Provides the configuration information of the URLs to crawl.

When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the Amazon Acceptable Use Policy and all other Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use the Amazon Kendra web crawler to index your own webpages, or webpages that you have authorization to index.

Provides information about the user context for a Amazon Kendra index.

Provides configuration information for a token configuration.

Provides the configuration information required for Amazon Kendra web crawler.


Errors returned by BatchDeleteDocument

Errors returned by BatchGetDocumentStatus

Errors returned by BatchPutDocument

Errors returned by ClearQuerySuggestions

Errors returned by CreateDataSource

Errors returned by CreateFaq

Errors returned by CreateIndex

Errors returned by CreateQuerySuggestionsBlockList

Errors returned by CreateThesaurus

Errors returned by DeleteDataSource

Errors returned by DeleteFaq

Errors returned by DeleteIndex

Errors returned by DeleteQuerySuggestionsBlockList

Errors returned by DeleteThesaurus

Errors returned by DescribeDataSource

Errors returned by DescribeFaq

Errors returned by DescribeIndex

Errors returned by DescribeQuerySuggestionsBlockList

Errors returned by DescribeQuerySuggestionsConfig

Errors returned by DescribeThesaurus

Errors returned by GetQuerySuggestions

Errors returned by ListDataSourceSyncJobs

Errors returned by ListDataSources

Errors returned by ListFaqs

Errors returned by ListIndices

Errors returned by ListQuerySuggestionsBlockLists

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by ListThesauri

Errors returned by Query

Errors returned by StartDataSourceSyncJob

Errors returned by StopDataSourceSyncJob

Errors returned by SubmitFeedback

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateDataSource

Errors returned by UpdateIndex

Errors returned by UpdateQuerySuggestionsBlockList

Errors returned by UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig

Errors returned by UpdateThesaurus


Trait representing the capabilities of the kendra API. kendra clients implement this trait.