Crate rusoto_kafka[][src]

Expand description
           <p>The operations for managing an Amazon MSK cluster.</p>

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for KafkaClient and Kafka.


        <p>Associates sasl scram secrets to cluster.</p>
        <p>Disassociates sasl scram secrets to cluster.</p>
        <p>Specifies the EBS volume upgrade information. The broker identifier must be set to the keyword ALL. This means the changes apply to all the brokers in the cluster.</p>
        <p>Describes the setup to be used for Kafka broker nodes in the cluster.</p>
        <p>Information about the current software installed on the cluster.</p>
        <p>Includes all client authentication information.</p>
        <p>Returns information about a cluster.</p>
        <p>Returns information about a cluster operation.</p>
        <p>Step taken during a cluster operation.</p>
        <p>State information about the operation step.</p>
        <p>Contains source Kafka versions and compatible target Kafka versions.</p>
        <p>Represents an MSK Configuration.</p>
        <p>Specifies the configuration to use for the brokers.</p>
        <p>Describes a configuration revision.</p>
        <p>Contains information about the EBS storage volumes attached to Kafka broker nodes.</p>
        <p>The data-volume encryption details.</p>
        <p>The settings for encrypting data in transit.</p>
        <p>Includes encryption-related information, such as the AWS KMS key used for encrypting data at rest and whether you want MSK to encrypt your data in transit.</p>
        <p>Returns information about an error state of the cluster.</p>
        <p>Details for IAM access control.</p>
        <p>Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter.</p>
        <p>Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter.</p>

A client for the Kafka API.

        <p>Information about cluster attributes that can be updated via update APIs.</p>
        <p>Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter.</p>
        <p>Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter.</p>
        <p>The node information object.</p>
        <p>JMX and Node monitoring for the MSK cluster.</p>
        <p>JMX and Node monitoring for the MSK cluster.</p>
        <p>Prometheus settings.</p>
        <p>Prometheus settings.</p>

Reboots a node.

        <p>Details for client authentication using SASL.</p>
        <p>Details for SASL/SCRAM client authentication.</p>
        <p>Contains information about storage volumes attached to MSK broker nodes.</p>
        <p>Details for client authentication using TLS.</p>
        <p>Error info for scram secret associate/disassociate failure.</p>

Request body for UpdateMonitoring.

        <p>Zookeeper node information.</p>


Errors returned by BatchAssociateScramSecret

Errors returned by BatchDisassociateScramSecret

Errors returned by CreateCluster

Errors returned by CreateConfiguration

Errors returned by DeleteCluster

Errors returned by DeleteConfiguration

Errors returned by DescribeCluster

Errors returned by DescribeClusterOperation

Errors returned by DescribeConfiguration

Errors returned by DescribeConfigurationRevision

Errors returned by GetBootstrapBrokers

Errors returned by GetCompatibleKafkaVersions

Errors returned by ListClusterOperations

Errors returned by ListClusters

Errors returned by ListConfigurationRevisions

Errors returned by ListConfigurations

Errors returned by ListKafkaVersions

Errors returned by ListNodes

Errors returned by ListScramSecrets

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by RebootBroker

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateBrokerCount

Errors returned by UpdateBrokerStorage

Errors returned by UpdateBrokerType

Errors returned by UpdateClusterConfiguration

Errors returned by UpdateClusterKafkaVersion

Errors returned by UpdateConfiguration

Errors returned by UpdateMonitoring


Trait representing the capabilities of the Kafka API. Kafka clients implement this trait.