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Amazon Inspector

Amazon Inspector enables you to analyze the behavior of your AWS resources and to identify potential security issues. For more information, see Amazon Inspector User Guide.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for InspectorClient and Inspector.


Used in the exception error that is thrown if you start an assessment run for an assessment target that includes an EC2 instance that is already participating in another started assessment run.

Contains information about an Amazon Inspector agent. This data type is used as a request parameter in the ListAssessmentRunAgents action.

Used as a response element in the PreviewAgents action.

A snapshot of an Amazon Inspector assessment run that contains the findings of the assessment run .

Used as the response element in the DescribeAssessmentRuns action.

Contains information about an Amazon Inspector agent. This data type is used as a response element in the ListAssessmentRunAgents action.

Used as the request parameter in the ListAssessmentRuns action.

Used as one of the elements of the AssessmentRun data type.

Used as one of the elements of the AssessmentRun data type.

Contains information about an Amazon Inspector application. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeAssessmentTargets action.

Used as the request parameter in the ListAssessmentTargets action.

Contains information about an Amazon Inspector assessment template. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeAssessmentTemplates action.

Used as the request parameter in the ListAssessmentTemplates action.

A collection of attributes of the host from which the finding is generated.

This data type is used as a request parameter in the AddAttributesToFindings and CreateAssessmentTemplate actions.

This data type is used in the AssessmentTemplateFilter data type.

This data type is used in the Subscription data type.

Contains information about what was excluded from an assessment run.

Contains information about what is excluded from an assessment run given the current state of the assessment template.

Includes details about the failed items.

Contains information about an Amazon Inspector finding. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeFindings action.

This data type is used as a request parameter in the ListFindings action.

A client for the Amazon Inspector API.

This data type is used in the Finding data type.

Contains information about the network interfaces interacting with an EC2 instance. This data type is used as one of the elements of the AssetAttributes data type.

Contains information about a private IP address associated with a network interface. This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeFindings action.

Contains information about a resource group. The resource group defines a set of tags that, when queried, identify the AWS resources that make up the assessment target. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeResourceGroups action.

This data type is used as one of the elements of the ResourceGroup data type.

Contains information about an Amazon Inspector rules package. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeRulesPackages action.

This data type contains key-value pairs that identify various Amazon resources.

Contains information about a security group associated with a network interface. This data type is used as one of the elements of the NetworkInterface data type.

This data type is used as a response element in the ListEventSubscriptions action.

A key and value pair. This data type is used as a request parameter in the SetTagsForResource action and a response element in the ListTagsForResource action.

The metadata about the Amazon Inspector application data metrics collected by the agent. This data type is used as the response element in the GetTelemetryMetadata action.

This data type is used in the AssessmentRunFilter data type.


Errors returned by AddAttributesToFindings

Errors returned by CreateAssessmentTarget

Errors returned by CreateAssessmentTemplate

Errors returned by CreateExclusionsPreview

Errors returned by CreateResourceGroup

Errors returned by DeleteAssessmentRun

Errors returned by DeleteAssessmentTarget

Errors returned by DeleteAssessmentTemplate

Errors returned by DescribeAssessmentRuns

Errors returned by DescribeAssessmentTargets

Errors returned by DescribeAssessmentTemplates

Errors returned by DescribeCrossAccountAccessRole

Errors returned by DescribeExclusions

Errors returned by DescribeFindings

Errors returned by DescribeResourceGroups

Errors returned by DescribeRulesPackages

Errors returned by GetAssessmentReport

Errors returned by GetExclusionsPreview

Errors returned by GetTelemetryMetadata

Errors returned by ListAssessmentRunAgents

Errors returned by ListAssessmentRuns

Errors returned by ListAssessmentTargets

Errors returned by ListAssessmentTemplates

Errors returned by ListEventSubscriptions

Errors returned by ListExclusions

Errors returned by ListFindings

Errors returned by ListRulesPackages

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by PreviewAgents

Errors returned by RegisterCrossAccountAccessRole

Errors returned by RemoveAttributesFromFindings

Errors returned by SetTagsForResource

Errors returned by StartAssessmentRun

Errors returned by StopAssessmentRun

Errors returned by SubscribeToEvent

Errors returned by UnsubscribeFromEvent

Errors returned by UpdateAssessmentTarget


Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon Inspector API. Amazon Inspector clients implement this trait.