rusoto_core 0.36.0

AWS SDK for Rust - Core
//! AWS Regions and helper functions.
//! Mostly used for translating the Region enum to a string AWS accepts.
//! For example: `UsEast1` to "us-east-1"

use std;
use std::error::Error;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Error as FmtError, Formatter};
use credential::ProfileProvider;
use serde::{de, Serialize, Serializer, Deserialize, Deserializer};
use serde::ser::SerializeTuple;

/// An AWS region.
/// # Default
/// `Region` implements the `Default` trait. Calling `Region::default()` will attempt to read the
/// `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION` or `AWS_REGION` environment variable. If it is malformed, it will fall back to `Region::UsEast1`.
/// If it is not present it will fallback on the value associated with the current profile in `~/.aws/config` or the file
/// specified by the `AWS_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable. If that is malformed of absent it will fall back on `Region::UsEast1`
/// # AWS-compatible services
/// `Region::Custom` can be used to connect to AWS-compatible services such as DynamoDB Local or Ceph.
/// ```
///     # use rusoto_core::Region;
///     Region::Custom {
///         name: "eu-east-3".to_owned(),
///         endpoint: "http://localhost:8000".to_owned(),
///     };
/// ```
/// # Caveats
/// `CnNorth1` is currently untested due to Rusoto maintainers not having access to AWS China.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Region {
    /// Region that covers the North-Eastern part of Asia Pacific

    /// Region that covers the North-Eastern part of Asia Pacific

    /// Region that covers the Southern part of Asia Pacific

    /// Region that covers the South-Eastern part of Asia Pacific

    /// Region that covers the South-Eastern part of Asia Pacific

    /// Region that covers Canada

    /// Region that covers Central Europe

    /// Region that covers Western Europe

    /// Region that covers Western Europe

    /// Region that covers Western Europe

    /// Region that covers South America

    /// Region that covers the Eastern part of the United States

    /// Region that covers the Eastern part of the United States

    /// Region that covers the Western part of the United States

    /// Region that covers the Western part of the United States

    /// Region that covers the Western part of the United States for the US Government

    /// Region that covers China

    /// Region that covers North-Western  part of China

    /// Specifies a custom region, such as a local Ceph target
    Custom {
        /// Name of the endpoint (e.g. `"eu-east-2"`).
        name: String,

        /// Endpoint to be used. For instance, `""` or just
        /// `""` (default scheme is https).
        endpoint: String,

impl Region {
    /// Name of the region
    /// ```
    ///     # use rusoto_core::Region;
    ///     assert_eq!(, "ca-central-1");
    ///     assert_eq!(
    ///         Region::Custom { name: "eu-east-3".to_owned(), endpoint: "".to_owned() }.name(),
    ///         "eu-east-3"
    ///     );
    /// ```
    pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            Region::ApNortheast1 => "ap-northeast-1",
            Region::ApNortheast2 => "ap-northeast-2",
            Region::ApSouth1 => "ap-south-1",
            Region::ApSoutheast1 => "ap-southeast-1",
            Region::ApSoutheast2 => "ap-southeast-2",
            Region::CaCentral1 => "ca-central-1",
            Region::EuCentral1 => "eu-central-1",
            Region::EuWest1 => "eu-west-1",
            Region::EuWest2 => "eu-west-2",
            Region::EuWest3 => "eu-west-3",
            Region::SaEast1 => "sa-east-1",
            Region::UsEast1 => "us-east-1",
            Region::UsEast2 => "us-east-2",
            Region::UsWest1 => "us-west-1",
            Region::UsWest2 => "us-west-2",
            Region::UsGovWest1 => "us-gov-west-1",
            Region::CnNorth1 => "cn-north-1",
            Region::CnNorthwest1 => "cn-northwest-1",
            Region::Custom { ref name, .. } => name,

/// An error produced when attempting to convert a `str` into a `Region` fails.
pub struct ParseRegionError {
    message: String,

// Manually created for lack of a way to flatten the `Region::Custom` variant
// Related:
impl Serialize for Region {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
            where S: Serializer
        let mut seq = serializer.serialize_tuple(2)?;
        if let Region::Custom { ref endpoint, ref name } = *self {
        } else {
            seq.serialize_element(&None as &Option<&str>)?;

struct RegionVisitor;

impl<'de> de::Visitor<'de> for RegionVisitor {
    type Value = Region;

    fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        formatter.write_str("sequence of (name, Some(endpoint))")

    fn visit_seq<A>(self, mut seq: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error>
            A: de::SeqAccess<'de>,
        let name: String = seq.next_element()?
            .ok_or_else(|| de::Error::custom("region is missing name"))?;
        let endpoint: Option<String> = seq.next_element()?
            .ok_or_else(|| de::Error::custom("region is missing endpoint"))?;
        match (name, endpoint) {
            (name, Some(endpoint)) => Ok(Region::Custom { name, endpoint }),
            (name, None) => name.parse().map_err(de::Error::custom),

// Manually created for lack of a way to flatten the `Region::Custom` variant
// Related:
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Region {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
        where D: Deserializer<'de>
        deserializer.deserialize_tuple(2, RegionVisitor)

impl FromStr for Region {
    type Err = ParseRegionError;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Region, ParseRegionError> {
        let v : &str = &s.to_lowercase();
        match v {
            "ap-northeast-1" | "apnortheast1" => Ok(Region::ApNortheast1),
            "ap-northeast-2" | "apnortheast2" => Ok(Region::ApNortheast2),
            "ap-south-1" | "apsouth1" => Ok(Region::ApSouth1),
            "ap-southeast-1" | "apsoutheast1" => Ok(Region::ApSoutheast1),
            "ap-southeast-2" | "apsoutheast2" => Ok(Region::ApSoutheast2),
            "ca-central-1" | "cacentral1" => Ok(Region::CaCentral1),
            "eu-central-1" | "eucentral1" => Ok(Region::EuCentral1),
            "eu-west-1" | "euwest1" => Ok(Region::EuWest1),
            "eu-west-2" | "euwest2" => Ok(Region::EuWest2),
            "eu-west-3" | "euwest3" => Ok(Region::EuWest3),
            "sa-east-1" | "saeast1" => Ok(Region::SaEast1),
            "us-east-1" | "useast1" => Ok(Region::UsEast1),
            "us-east-2" | "useast2" => Ok(Region::UsEast2),
            "us-west-1" | "uswest1" => Ok(Region::UsWest1),
            "us-west-2" | "uswest2" => Ok(Region::UsWest2),
            "us-gov-west-1" | "usgovwest1" => Ok(Region::UsGovWest1),
            "cn-north-1" | "cnnorth1" => Ok(Region::CnNorth1),
            "cn-northwest-1" | "cnnorthwest1" => Ok(Region::CnNorthwest1),
            s => Err(ParseRegionError::new(s)),

impl ParseRegionError {
    /// Parses a region given as a string literal into a type `Region'
    pub fn new(input: &str) -> Self {
        ParseRegionError { message: format!("Not a valid AWS region: {}", input) }

impl Error for ParseRegionError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {

impl Display for ParseRegionError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), FmtError> {
        write!(f, "{}", self.message)

impl Default for Region {
    fn default() -> Region {
        match std::env::var("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION").or_else(|_| std::env::var("AWS_REGION")) {
            Ok(ref v) =>
            Err(_) => {
                match ProfileProvider::region() {
                    Ok(Some(region)) => Region::from_str(&region).unwrap_or(Region::UsEast1),
                    _ => Region::UsEast1,

mod tests {
    extern crate serde_test;
    use self::serde_test::{Token, assert_tokens};
    use super::*;

    fn from_str() {
                       .expect("Parsing foo as a Region was not an error")
                   "Not a valid AWS region: foo".to_owned());
        assert_eq!("ap-northeast-1".parse(), Ok(Region::ApNortheast1));
        assert_eq!("ap-northeast-2".parse(), Ok(Region::ApNortheast2));
        assert_eq!("ap-south-1".parse(), Ok(Region::ApSouth1));
        assert_eq!("ap-southeast-1".parse(), Ok(Region::ApSoutheast1));
        assert_eq!("ap-southeast-2".parse(), Ok(Region::ApSoutheast2));
        assert_eq!("ca-central-1".parse(), Ok(Region::CaCentral1));
        assert_eq!("eu-central-1".parse(), Ok(Region::EuCentral1));
        assert_eq!("eu-west-1".parse(), Ok(Region::EuWest1));
        assert_eq!("eu-west-2".parse(), Ok(Region::EuWest2));
        assert_eq!("eu-west-3".parse(), Ok(Region::EuWest3));
        assert_eq!("sa-east-1".parse(), Ok(Region::SaEast1));
        assert_eq!("us-east-1".parse(), Ok(Region::UsEast1));
        assert_eq!("us-east-2".parse(), Ok(Region::UsEast2));
        assert_eq!("us-west-1".parse(), Ok(Region::UsWest1));
        assert_eq!("us-west-2".parse(), Ok(Region::UsWest2));
        assert_eq!("us-gov-west-1".parse(), Ok(Region::UsGovWest1));
        assert_eq!("cn-north-1".parse(), Ok(Region::CnNorth1));
        assert_eq!("cn-northwest-1".parse(), Ok(Region::CnNorthwest1));

    fn region_serialize_deserialize() {
        assert_tokens(&Region::ApNortheast1, &tokens_for_region("ap-northeast-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::ApNortheast2, &tokens_for_region("ap-northeast-2"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::ApSouth1, &tokens_for_region("ap-south-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::ApSoutheast1, &tokens_for_region("ap-southeast-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::ApSoutheast2, &tokens_for_region("ap-southeast-2"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::CaCentral1, &tokens_for_region("ca-central-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::EuCentral1, &tokens_for_region("eu-central-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::EuWest1, &tokens_for_region("eu-west-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::EuWest2, &tokens_for_region("eu-west-2"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::EuWest3, &tokens_for_region("eu-west-3"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::SaEast1, &tokens_for_region("sa-east-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::UsEast1, &tokens_for_region("us-east-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::UsEast2, &tokens_for_region("us-east-2"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::UsWest1, &tokens_for_region("us-west-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::UsWest2, &tokens_for_region("us-west-2"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::UsGovWest1, &tokens_for_region("us-gov-west-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::CnNorth1, &tokens_for_region("cn-north-1"));
        assert_tokens(&Region::CnNorthwest1, &tokens_for_region("cn-northwest-1"))

    fn tokens_for_region(name: &'static str) -> [Token; 4] {
            Token::Tuple { len: 2 },

    fn region_serialize_deserialize_custom() {
        let custom_region = Region::Custom {
            endpoint: "http://localhost:8000".to_owned(),
            name: "eu-east-1".to_owned(),
                Token::Tuple { len: 2 },