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AWS CodeCommit

This is the AWS CodeCommit API Reference. This reference provides descriptions of the operations and data types for AWS CodeCommit API along with usage examples.

You can use the AWS CodeCommit API to work with the following objects:

Repositories, by calling the following:

  • BatchGetRepositories, which returns information about one or more repositories associated with your AWS account.

  • CreateRepository, which creates an AWS CodeCommit repository.

  • DeleteRepository, which deletes an AWS CodeCommit repository.

  • GetRepository, which returns information about a specified repository.

  • ListRepositories, which lists all AWS CodeCommit repositories associated with your AWS account.

  • UpdateRepositoryDescription, which sets or updates the description of the repository.

  • UpdateRepositoryName, which changes the name of the repository. If you change the name of a repository, no other users of that repository can access it until you send them the new HTTPS or SSH URL to use.

Branches, by calling the following:

  • CreateBranch, which creates a branch in a specified repository.

  • DeleteBranch, which deletes the specified branch in a repository unless it is the default branch.

  • GetBranch, which returns information about a specified branch.

  • ListBranches, which lists all branches for a specified repository.

  • UpdateDefaultBranch, which changes the default branch for a repository.

Files, by calling the following:

  • DeleteFile, which deletes the content of a specified file from a specified branch.

  • GetBlob, which returns the base-64 encoded content of an individual Git blob object in a repository.

  • GetFile, which returns the base-64 encoded content of a specified file.

  • GetFolder, which returns the contents of a specified folder or directory.

  • PutFile, which adds or modifies a single file in a specified repository and branch.

Commits, by calling the following:

  • BatchGetCommits, which returns information about one or more commits in a repository.

  • CreateCommit, which creates a commit for changes to a repository.

  • GetCommit, which returns information about a commit, including commit messages and author and committer information.

  • GetDifferences, which returns information about the differences in a valid commit specifier (such as a branch, tag, HEAD, commit ID, or other fully qualified reference).

Merges, by calling the following:

  • BatchDescribeMergeConflicts, which returns information about conflicts in a merge between commits in a repository.

  • CreateUnreferencedMergeCommit, which creates an unreferenced commit between two branches or commits for the purpose of comparing them and identifying any potential conflicts.

  • DescribeMergeConflicts, which returns information about merge conflicts between the base, source, and destination versions of a file in a potential merge.

  • GetMergeCommit, which returns information about the merge between a source and destination commit.

  • GetMergeConflicts, which returns information about merge conflicts between the source and destination branch in a pull request.

  • GetMergeOptions, which returns information about the available merge options between two branches or commit specifiers.

  • MergeBranchesByFastForward, which merges two branches using the fast-forward merge option.

  • MergeBranchesBySquash, which merges two branches using the squash merge option.

  • MergeBranchesByThreeWay, which merges two branches using the three-way merge option.

Pull requests, by calling the following:

Approval rule templates, by calling the following:

Comments in a repository, by calling the following:

Tags used to tag resources in AWS CodeCommit (not Git tags), by calling the following:

  • ListTagsForResource, which gets information about AWS tags for a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in AWS CodeCommit.

  • TagResource, which adds or updates tags for a resource in AWS CodeCommit.

  • UntagResource, which removes tags for a resource in AWS CodeCommit.

Triggers, by calling the following:

  • GetRepositoryTriggers, which returns information about triggers configured for a repository.

  • PutRepositoryTriggers, which replaces all triggers for a repository and can be used to create or delete triggers.

  • TestRepositoryTriggers, which tests the functionality of a repository trigger by sending data to the trigger target.

For information about how to use AWS CodeCommit, see the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for CodeCommitClient and CodeCommit.


Returns information about a specific approval on a pull request.

Returns information about an approval rule.

Returns information about an event for an approval rule.

Returns information about an override event for approval rules for a pull request.

Returns information about an approval rule template.

Returns information about a change in the approval state for a pull request.

Represents the input of a batch get repositories operation.

Represents the output of a batch get repositories operation.

Returns information about a specific Git blob object.

Returns information about a branch.

Returns information about errors in a BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositories operation.

Returns information about errors in a BatchDescribeMergeConflicts operation.

Returns information about errors in a BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositories operation.

Returns information about errors in a BatchGetCommits operation.

A client for the CodeCommit API.

Returns information about a specific comment.

Returns information about comments on the comparison between two commits.

Returns information about comments on a pull request.

Returns information about a specific commit.

Information about conflicts in a merge operation.

Information about the metadata for a conflict in a merge operation.

If AUTOMERGE is the conflict resolution strategy, a list of inputs to use when resolving conflicts during a merge.

Represents the input of a create branch operation.

Represents the input of a create repository operation.

Represents the output of a create repository operation.

Represents the input of a delete branch operation.

Represents the output of a delete branch operation.

A file that is deleted as part of a commit.

Represents the input of a delete repository operation.

Represents the output of a delete repository operation.

Returns information about a set of differences for a commit specifier.

Returns information about the approval rules applied to a pull request and whether conditions have been met.

Returns information about a file in a repository.

A file to be added, updated, or deleted as part of a commit.

Information about file modes in a merge or pull request.

Information about the size of files in a merge or pull request.

Returns information about a folder in a repository.

Represents the input of a get blob operation.

Represents the output of a get blob operation.

Represents the input of a get branch operation.

Represents the output of a get branch operation.

Represents the input of a get commit operation.

Represents the output of a get commit operation.

Represents the input of a get repository operation.

Represents the output of a get repository operation.

Represents the input of a get repository triggers operation.

Represents the output of a get repository triggers operation.

Information about whether a file is binary or textual in a merge or pull request operation.

Represents the input of a list branches operation.

Represents the output of a list branches operation.

Represents the input of a list repositories operation.

Represents the output of a list repositories operation.

Returns information about the location of a change or comment in the comparison between two commits or a pull request.

Information about merge hunks in a merge or pull request operation.

Information about the details of a merge hunk that contains a conflict in a merge or pull request operation.

Returns information about a merge or potential merge between a source reference and a destination reference in a pull request.

Information about the file operation conflicts in a merge operation.

Information about the type of an object in a merge operation.

Returns information about the template that created the approval rule for a pull request.

Returns information about a pull request.

Metadata about the pull request that is used when comparing the pull request source with its destination.

Returns information about a pull request event.

Returns information about the change in the merge state for a pull request event.

Information about an update to the source branch of a pull request.

Information about a change to the status of a pull request.

Returns information about a pull request target.

Information about a file added or updated as part of a commit.

Represents the input of a put repository triggers operation.

Represents the output of a put repository triggers operation.

Information about the reaction values provided by users on a comment.

Information about the values for reactions to a comment. AWS CodeCommit supports a limited set of reactions.

Information about a replacement content entry in the conflict of a merge or pull request operation.

Information about a repository.

Information about a repository name and ID.

Information about a trigger for a repository.

A trigger failed to run.

Information about the file mode changes.

Information about a source file that is part of changes made in a commit.

Returns information about a submodule reference in a repository folder.

Returns information about a symbolic link in a repository folder.

Returns information about a target for a pull request.

Represents the input of a test repository triggers operation.

Represents the output of a test repository triggers operation.

Represents the input of an update default branch operation.

Represents the input of an update repository description operation.

Represents the input of an update repository description operation.

Information about the user who made a specified commit.


Errors returned by AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepository

Errors returned by BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositories

Errors returned by BatchDescribeMergeConflicts

Errors returned by BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositories

Errors returned by BatchGetCommits

Errors returned by BatchGetRepositories

Errors returned by CreateApprovalRuleTemplate

Errors returned by CreateBranch

Errors returned by CreateCommit

Errors returned by CreatePullRequestApprovalRule

Errors returned by CreatePullRequest

Errors returned by CreateRepository

Errors returned by CreateUnreferencedMergeCommit

Errors returned by DeleteApprovalRuleTemplate

Errors returned by DeleteBranch

Errors returned by DeleteCommentContent

Errors returned by DeleteFile

Errors returned by DeletePullRequestApprovalRule

Errors returned by DeleteRepository

Errors returned by DescribeMergeConflicts

Errors returned by DescribePullRequestEvents

Errors returned by DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepository

Errors returned by EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRules

Errors returned by GetApprovalRuleTemplate

Errors returned by GetBlob

Errors returned by GetBranch

Errors returned by GetComment

Errors returned by GetCommentReactions

Errors returned by GetCommentsForComparedCommit

Errors returned by GetCommentsForPullRequest

Errors returned by GetCommit

Errors returned by GetDifferences

Errors returned by GetFile

Errors returned by GetFolder

Errors returned by GetMergeCommit

Errors returned by GetMergeConflicts

Errors returned by GetMergeOptions

Errors returned by GetPullRequestApprovalStates

Errors returned by GetPullRequest

Errors returned by GetPullRequestOverrideState

Errors returned by GetRepository

Errors returned by GetRepositoryTriggers

Errors returned by ListApprovalRuleTemplates

Errors returned by ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepository

Errors returned by ListBranches

Errors returned by ListPullRequests

Errors returned by ListRepositories

Errors returned by ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplate

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by MergeBranchesByFastForward

Errors returned by MergeBranchesBySquash

Errors returned by MergeBranchesByThreeWay

Errors returned by MergePullRequestByFastForward

Errors returned by MergePullRequestBySquash

Errors returned by MergePullRequestByThreeWay

Errors returned by OverridePullRequestApprovalRules

Errors returned by PostCommentForComparedCommit

Errors returned by PostCommentForPullRequest

Errors returned by PostCommentReply

Errors returned by PutCommentReaction

Errors returned by PutFile

Errors returned by PutRepositoryTriggers

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by TestRepositoryTriggers

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContent

Errors returned by UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescription

Errors returned by UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateName

Errors returned by UpdateComment

Errors returned by UpdateDefaultBranch

Errors returned by UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContent

Errors returned by UpdatePullRequestApprovalState

Errors returned by UpdatePullRequestDescription

Errors returned by UpdatePullRequestStatus

Errors returned by UpdatePullRequestTitle

Errors returned by UpdateRepositoryDescription

Errors returned by UpdateRepositoryName


Trait representing the capabilities of the CodeCommit API. CodeCommit clients implement this trait.