Crate rusoto_appsync[][src]

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AWS AppSync provides API actions for creating and interacting with data sources using GraphQL from your application.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for AppSyncClient and AppSync.


Describes an additional authentication provider.

The ApiCache object.

Describes an API key.

Customers invoke AWS AppSync GraphQL API operations with API keys as an identity mechanism. There are two key versions:

da1: This version was introduced at launch in November 2017. These keys always expire after 7 days. Key expiration is managed by Amazon DynamoDB TTL. The keys ceased to be valid after February 21, 2018 and should not be used after that date.

  • ListApiKeys returns the expiration time in milliseconds.

  • CreateApiKey returns the expiration time in milliseconds.

  • UpdateApiKey is not available for this key version.

  • DeleteApiKey deletes the item from the table.

  • Expiration is stored in Amazon DynamoDB as milliseconds. This results in a bug where keys are not automatically deleted because DynamoDB expects the TTL to be stored in seconds. As a one-time action, we will delete these keys from the table after February 21, 2018.

da2: This version was introduced in February 2018 when AppSync added support to extend key expiration.

  • ListApiKeys returns the expiration time and deletion time in seconds.

  • CreateApiKey returns the expiration time and deletion time in seconds and accepts a user-provided expiration time in seconds.

  • UpdateApiKey returns the expiration time and and deletion time in seconds and accepts a user-provided expiration time in seconds. Expired API keys are kept for 60 days after the expiration time. Key expiration time can be updated while the key is not deleted.

  • DeleteApiKey deletes the item from the table.

  • Expiration is stored in Amazon DynamoDB as seconds. After the expiration time, using the key to authenticate will fail. But the key can be reinstated before deletion.

  • Deletion is stored in Amazon DynamoDB as seconds. The key will be deleted after deletion time.

A client for the AWSAppSync API.

The authorization config in case the HTTP endpoint requires authorization.

The AWS IAM configuration.

The caching configuration for a resolver that has caching enabled.

Describes an Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.

Represents the input of a CreateApiCache operation.

Represents the output of a CreateApiCache operation.

Describes a data source.

Represents the input of a DeleteApiCache operation.

Represents the output of a DeleteApiCache operation.

Describes a Delta Sync configuration.

Describes an Amazon DynamoDB data source configuration.

Describes an Elasticsearch data source configuration.

Represents the input of a FlushApiCache operation.

Represents the output of a FlushApiCache operation.

A function is a reusable entity. Multiple functions can be used to compose the resolver logic.

Represents the input of a GetApiCache operation.

Represents the output of a GetApiCache operation.

Describes a GraphQL API.

Describes an HTTP data source configuration.

The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig object when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

Describes an AWS Lambda data source configuration.

The CloudWatch Logs configuration.

Describes an OpenID Connect configuration.

The pipeline configuration for a resolver of kind PIPELINE.

The Amazon RDS HTTP endpoint configuration.

Describes a relational database data source configuration.

Describes a resolver.

Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

Contains information on which Conflict Detection as well as Resolution strategy should be performed when the resolver is invoked.

Describes a type.

Represents the input of a UpdateApiCache operation.

Represents the output of a UpdateApiCache operation.

Describes an Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.


Errors returned by CreateApiCache

Errors returned by CreateApiKey

Errors returned by CreateDataSource

Errors returned by CreateFunction

Errors returned by CreateGraphqlApi

Errors returned by CreateResolver

Errors returned by CreateType

Errors returned by DeleteApiCache

Errors returned by DeleteApiKey

Errors returned by DeleteDataSource

Errors returned by DeleteFunction

Errors returned by DeleteGraphqlApi

Errors returned by DeleteResolver

Errors returned by DeleteType

Errors returned by FlushApiCache

Errors returned by GetApiCache

Errors returned by GetDataSource

Errors returned by GetFunction

Errors returned by GetGraphqlApi

Errors returned by GetIntrospectionSchema

Errors returned by GetResolver

Errors returned by GetSchemaCreationStatus

Errors returned by GetType

Errors returned by ListApiKeys

Errors returned by ListDataSources

Errors returned by ListFunctions

Errors returned by ListGraphqlApis

Errors returned by ListResolversByFunction

Errors returned by ListResolvers

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by ListTypes

Errors returned by StartSchemaCreation

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateApiCache

Errors returned by UpdateApiKey

Errors returned by UpdateDataSource

Errors returned by UpdateFunction

Errors returned by UpdateGraphqlApi

Errors returned by UpdateResolver

Errors returned by UpdateType


Trait representing the capabilities of the AWSAppSync API. AWSAppSync clients implement this trait.