rushell_deps_linefeed 0.6.0-jeff.1

FORK of `linefeed` for rushell. Please use the official linefeed instead of this.
# `rushell_deps_linefeed`
**`rushell_deps_linefeed` is a forked and modified package of [linefeed]( for [rushell](**

# `linefeed`

`linefeed` is a configurable, concurrent, extensible, interactive input reader
for Unix terminals and Windows console.

[API Documentation](

`linefeed` follows the paradigm of GNU Readline, binding key sequences to
commands that modify input state. `linefeed` supports many GNU Readline commands.
However, `linefeed` does not implement all commands supported by GNU Readline.
If there's a command you want to be implemented, file an issue!

`linefeed` also interprets GNU Readline `inputrc` configuration files.
First, it will check for a filename in the environment variable `INPUTRC`.
Then, on Unix, it will check `$HOME/.inputrc` or `/etc/inputrc`;
while, on Windows, it will check `%APPDATA%\linefeed\inputrc`.
Only the first of these that is present is parsed and evaluated.

## Building

To include `linefeed` in your project, add the following to your `Cargo.toml`:

linefeed = "0.6"

### Demo

The `linefeed` project contains a demo program for testing functionality.
To run the demo, run the following from a clone of the `linefeed` project:

    cargo run --example demo

## License

`linefeed` is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the
Apache License (Version 2.0).