ruscii 0.3.1

Terminal graphics engine

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An easy library to make terminal applications and games in rust.

The aim of this project is to make easier the game development in terminals. Any contribution, issue, or pull request would be welcome!


  • Optimized to render fast in terminals.
  • Multi-platform (Linux, Windows and MacOS)
    • For linux, it is required to have a x11 server (most of distribution comes with it). Internally ruscii use it to create transparent key pressed and released events.
  • Multi-terminal (See crossterm terminal support)
  • Enable key press and release events in terminal (essential for games!).
  • Easy to use. Make your terminal game in a few lines!
  • Easy way to recover the terminal state at error.


  • In linux, you have to install the X11 development libraries. For example, in ubuntu you can get it as follows:
    sudo apt install libx11-dev


You can found several examples into the example folder.

To test an example, install ruscii with the examples flag and run it.

cargo install ruscii --examples

Or clone the repo and run the example:

cargo run --example <example_name> --release

Some of these examples:

Space invaders (200 lines):


Pong (150 lines):


Note: the first asciimedia playback could be shown laggy, a second playback fix this issue.

Getting started

Test it in your own terminal!

Add the following line to your dependencies section in Cargo.toml file:

ruscii = "0.2"

Copy the following code in your to run the base ruscii application:

use ruscii::app::{App, State};
use ruscii::terminal::{Window};
use ruscii::drawing::{Pencil};
use ruscii::keyboard::{KeyEvent, Key};
use ruscii::spatial::{Vec2};
use ruscii::gui::{FPSCounter};

fn main() {
    let mut fps_counter = FPSCounter::new();
    let mut app = App::new();|app_state: &mut State, window: &mut Window| {
        for key_event in app_state.keyboard().last_key_events() {
            match key_event {
                KeyEvent::Pressed(Key::Esc) => app_state.stop(),
                KeyEvent::Pressed(Key::Q) => app_state.stop(),
                _ => (),


        let mut pencil = Pencil::new(window.canvas_mut());
        pencil.draw_text(&format!("FPS: {}", fps_counter.count()), Vec2::xy(1, 1));


Debug a terminal app is usually difficult because the app output and the backtrace goes to the same terminal view. Ruscii uses the standard output to render data and the standard error to log error information. We recommend to redirect the standard error to a file that can be inspected later.

For example, in bash it will be:

$ cargo run 2> my_stderr