ruru 0.5.3

Native Ruby extensions in Rust

Ruru (Rust + Ruby = :heart:)

Native Ruby extensions in Rust


Have you ever considered rewriting some parts of your slow Ruby application?

Just rewrite your Ruby application with Rust method by method, class by class. It does not require to change interface of your classes or to change any other Ruby code.

As simple as Ruby, as efficient as Rust.


The famous String#blank? method

pub extern fn is_blank(_: Argc, _: *const AnyObject, itself: RString) -> Boolean {
    Boolean::new(itself.to_string().chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()))

fn main() {
    Class::from_existing("String").define(|itself| {
        itself.def("blank?", is_blank);

Defining a new class

Let's say you have a Calculator class.

class Calculator
  def pow_3(number)
    (1..number).each_with_object({}) do |index, hash|
      hash[index] = index ** 3
# ... somewhere in the application ... #=> { 1 => 1, 2 => 8, 3 => 27, 4 => 64, 5 => 125 }

You found it's very slow to call pow_3 for big number and decided to replace the whole class with Rust.

pub extern fn pow_3(argc: Argc, argv: *const AnyObject, itself: Fixnum) -> Hash {
    let argv = VM::parse_arguments(argc, argv);
    let num = argv[0].as_fixnum().to_i64();

    let mut hash = Hash::new();

    for i in (1..num + 1) {, Fixnum::new(i.pow(3)));


Class::new("Calculator").define(|itself| {
    itself.def("pow_3", pow_3);


# No Calculator class in Ruby anymore

# ... somewhere in the application ... #=> { 1 => 1, 2 => 8, 3 => 27, 4 => 64, 5 => 125 }

So nothing has changed in the API of class thus no need to change code elsewhere in the app.

Replacing only several methods instead of the whole class

If the Calculator class from the example above has more methods Ruby methods, but we want to replace only pow_3, use Class::from_existing()

Class::from_existing("Calculator").define(|itself| {
    itself.def("pow_3", pow_3);

Calling Ruby code from Rust

Getting an account balance of some User whose name is John and who is 18 or 19 years old.

  .find_by(age: [18, 19], name: 'John')
let mut conditions = Hash::new();

let account_balance =
        .send("find_by", vec![conditions.as_any_object()])
        .send("account_balance", vec![])

Check out Documentation for more examples!

... and why FFI is not enough?

  • No support of native Ruby types;

  • No way to create a standalone application to run Ruby VM separately;

  • No way to call your Ruby code from Rust;

How to use?

Warning! The crate is WIP.

There are two ways of using Ruru:

  • Standalone application - Rust is run first as a compiled executable file and then it calls Ruby code (see docs for VM::init())

  • Running Rust code from Ruby application

The second way requires additional steps (to be improved):

  1. Your local MRI copy has to be built with the --enable-shared option. For example, using rbenv:
CONFIGURE_OPTS=--enable-shared rbenv install 2.3.0
  1. Add Ruru to Cargo.toml
ruru = ">= 0.5.0"
  1. Compile your library as dylib
crate-type = ["dylib"]
  1. Create a function which will initialize the extension
pub extern fn initialize_my_app() {

    /// ... etc
  1. Open the library and call function from Ruby
require 'fiddle'

library = Fiddle::dlopen('libmy_library.dylib')['init_my_app'], [], Fiddle::TYPE_VOIDP).call
  1. Ruru is ready :heart:

Contributors are welcome!