Crate rupnp

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An asynchronous library for finding UPnP control points, performing actions on them and reading their service descriptions. UPnP stand for Universal Plug and Play and is widely used for routers, WiFi-enabled speakers and media servers.


Example usage:

The following code searches for devices that have a RenderingControl service and prints their names along with their current volume.

use futures::prelude::*;
use std::time::Duration;
use rupnp::ssdp::{SearchTarget, URN};

const RENDERING_CONTROL: URN = URN::service("schemas-upnp-org", "RenderingControl", 1);

async fn main() -> Result<(), rupnp::Error> {
    let search_target = SearchTarget::URN(RENDERING_CONTROL);
    let devices = rupnp::discover(&search_target, Duration::from_secs(3)).await?;

    while let Some(device) = devices.try_next().await? {
        let service = device
            .expect("searched for RenderingControl, got something else");

        let args = "<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel>";
        let response = service.action(device.url(), "GetVolume", args).await?;

        let volume = response.get("CurrentVolume").unwrap();

        println!("'{}' is at volume {}", device.friendly_name(), volume);




  • Service Control Protocol Description.


  • A UPnP Device. It stores its Uri and a DeviceSpec, which contains information like the device type and its list of inner devices and services.
  • Information about a device.
  • A UPnP Service is the description of endpoints on a device for performing actions and reading the service definition. For a list of actions and state variables the service provides, take a look at scpd.


  • The UPnP Error type.


  • Discovers UPnP devices on the network.