runestick 0.9.1

Runescript, a generic stack-based virtual machine for Rust.
use crate::{Hash, Named};

/// A trait which can be stored inside of an [AnyObj](crate::AnyObj).
/// We use our own marker trait that must be explicitly derived to prevent other
/// VM native types (like strings) which also implement `std::any::Any` from
/// being stored as an `AnyObj`.
/// This means, that only types which derive `Any` can be used inside of the VM:
/// ```rust
/// use runestick::Any;
/// #[derive(Any)]
/// struct Npc {
///     name: String,
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Any: Named + std::any::Any {
    /// The type hash of the type.
    /// TODO: make const field when `TypeId::of` is const.
    fn type_hash() -> Hash;

// Internal any impls for useful types in the std library.
