runestick 0.6.8

Runescript, a generic stack-based virtual machine for Rust.
use crate::{
    FromValue, GeneratorState, OwnedMut, OwnedRef, RawOwnedMut, RawOwnedRef, Shared,
    UnsafeFromValue, Value, Vm, VmError, VmErrorKind, VmExecution,
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;

value_types!(crate::STREAM_TYPE, Stream => Stream, &Stream, &mut Stream);

/// A stream with a stored virtual machine.
pub struct Stream {
    execution: Option<VmExecution>,
    first: bool,

impl Stream {
    /// Construct a stream from a virtual machine.
    pub(crate) fn new(vm: Vm) -> Self {
        Self {
            execution: Some(VmExecution::of(vm)),
            first: true,

    /// Get the next value produced by this stream.
    pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Value>, VmError> {
        Ok(match self.resume(Value::Unit).await? {
            GeneratorState::Yielded(value) => Some(value),
            GeneratorState::Complete(_) => None,

    /// Get the next value produced by this stream.
    pub async fn resume(&mut self, value: Value) -> Result<GeneratorState, VmError> {
        let execution = match &mut self.execution {
            Some(execution) => execution,
            None => {
                return Err(VmError::from(VmErrorKind::GeneratorComplete));

        if !mem::take(&mut self.first) {

        let state = execution.async_resume().await?;

        if state.is_complete() {
            self.execution = None;


impl fmt::Debug for Stream {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("completed", &self.execution.is_none())

impl FromValue for Shared<Stream> {
    fn from_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self, VmError> {

impl FromValue for Stream {
    fn from_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self, VmError> {
        let stream = value.into_stream()?;

impl UnsafeFromValue for &Stream {
    type Output = *const Stream;
    type Guard = RawOwnedRef;

    unsafe fn unsafe_from_value(value: Value) -> Result<(Self::Output, Self::Guard), VmError> {
        let stream = value.into_stream()?;
        let (stream, guard) = OwnedRef::into_raw(stream.owned_ref()?);
        Ok((stream, guard))

    unsafe fn to_arg(output: Self::Output) -> Self {

impl UnsafeFromValue for &mut Stream {
    type Output = *mut Stream;
    type Guard = RawOwnedMut;

    unsafe fn unsafe_from_value(value: Value) -> Result<(Self::Output, Self::Guard), VmError> {
        let stream = value.into_stream()?;

    unsafe fn to_arg(output: Self::Output) -> Self {
        &mut *output