run-down 0.1.1

An implementation of run-down protection in rust.
// Copyright 2019 Brian Gianforcaro

//! Run-down protection as a pattern is useful in situations where re-initialization
//! or destruction of a shared resource is required in a [SMP][smp-link] environment.
//! The pattern has two parts, a means to guarantee the resource is accessible and remains so for
//! the during of it's usage. As well as way to make the resource inaccessible from a point going forward
//! and the ability to wait for all outstanding usages to drain so you can safely perform the required operation.
//! This crate was inspired by the [run-down protection primitive in the NT kernel][nt-run-down-docs].
//! Where it's used in situations such as driver unload, where futher access to the driver
//! needs to be rejected and the unloading thread must wait for inflight acesss to stop before
//! the driver can be completely unload.
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! use run_down::{
//!     RundownGuard,
//!     RundownRef
//! };
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! use std::thread;
//! use std::time::Duration;
//! let rundown = Arc::new(RundownRef::new());
//! for i in 1..25 {
//!     let rundown_clone = Arc::clone(&rundown);
//!     thread::spawn(move || {
//!         // Attempt to acquire rundown protection, while the main
//!         // thread could be running down the object as we execute.
//!         //
//!         match rundown_clone.try_acquire() {
//!             Ok(run_down_guard) => {
//!                 println!("{}: Run-down protection acquired.", i);
//!                 // Stall the thread while holding rundown protection.
//!                 thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
//!             }
//!             Err(m) => {
//!                 println!("{}: Failed to acquire run-down protection - {:?}", i, m);
//!             },
//!         }
//!     });
//! }
//! println!("0: Waiting for rundown to complete");
//! rundown.wait_for_rundown();
//! println!("0: Rundown complete");
//! ```
//! [nt-run-down-docs]:
//! [smp-link]:

// Subscribe to most of the clippy lints.
// Disable warnings for things we don't care about.

// Import the crates we need to use
extern crate bitflags;
extern crate lazy_init;
extern crate rsevents;

mod flags;
mod guard;
mod rundown_ref;
pub use guard::RundownGuard;
pub use rundown_ref::RundownError;
pub use rundown_ref::RundownRef;

extern crate doc_comment;

// Test examples in the README file.
doc_comment::doctest!("../", readme_examples);