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(De)serialization helpers for other Ruma crates.

Part of that is a fork of serde_urlencoded, with support for sequences in Deserialize / Serialize structs (e.g. Vec<Something>) that are (de)serialized as field=val1&field=val2.


Transparent base64 encoding / decoding as part of (de)serialization.
Helpers for emptiness checks in #[serde(skip_serializing_if)].
De-/serialization functions for std::time::Duration objects
De-/serialization functions to and from json strings, allows the type to be used as a query string.
De-/serialization functions to and from single element sequences.
Helpers for tests
x-www-form-urlencoded meets Serde
Serde serialization and deserialization functions that map a Vec<T> to a BTreeMap<T, Empty>.


A wrapper around B (usually Vec<u8>) that (de)serializes from / to a base64 string.
An error that occurred while decoding a base64 string.
A wrapper around Box<RawValue>, to be used in place of any type in the Matrix endpoint definition to allow request and response types to contain that said type represented by the generic argument Ev.


Trait for types that have an “empty” state.


Take a BTreeMap with values of either an integer number or a string and deserialize those to integer numbers.
Simply returns true.
Deserialize a Cow<'de, str>.
Take either an integer number or a string and deserialize to an integer number.
Serde deserialization decorator to map empty Strings to None, and forward non-empty Strings to the Deserialize implementation for T. Useful for the typical “A room with an X event with an absent, null, or empty Y field should be treated the same as a room with no such event.” formulation in the spec.
Helper function for serde_json::value::RawValue deserialization.
Check whether a value is equal to its default value.
Check whether a value is empty.
Simply dereferences the given bool.
Creates a buffer and writes a serializable value to it.
Serde serializiation decorator to map None to an empty String, and forward Somes to the Serialize implementation for T.
Converts a byte slice to a buffer by copying.

Type Definitions

The inner type of JsonValue::Object.

Derive Macros

Derive the AsRef<str> trait for an enum.
Derive the Deserialize trait using the From<Cow<str>> implementation of the type.
Derive the fmt::Display trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Derive the From<T: AsRef<str> + Into<Box<str>>> trait for an enum.
Generating an ‘Incoming’ version of the type this derive macro is used on.
Derive the Ord trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Derive the PartialEq trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Derive the PartialOrd trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Derive the Serialize trait using the AsRef<str> implementation of the type.
Shorthand for the derives AsRefStr, FromString, DisplayAsRefStr, SerializeAsRefStr and DeserializeFromCowStr.