Module ruma::events::pdu[][src]

This is supported on crate feature events only.
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Types for persistent data unit schemas

The differences between the RoomV1Pdu schema and the RoomV3Pdu schema are that the RoomV1Pdu takes an event_id field (RoomV3Pdu does not), and auth_events and prev_events take Vec<(EventId, EventHash)> rather than VecinRoomV3Pdu`.

The stubbed versions of each PDU type remove the event_id field (if any) and the room_id field for use in PDU templates.


Content hashes of a PDU.

A ‘persistent data unit’ (event) for room versions 1 and 2.

A ‘persistent data unit’ (event) for room versions 3 and beyond.


Enum for PDU schemas