ruma-state-res 0.8.0

An abstraction for Matrix state resolution.
use std::{
    fmt::{Debug, Display},

use ruma_common::{events::RoomEventType, EventId, MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch, RoomId, UserId};
use serde_json::value::RawValue as RawJsonValue;

/// Abstraction of a PDU so users can have their own PDU types.
pub trait Event {
    type Id: Clone + Debug + Display + Eq + Ord + Hash + Borrow<EventId>;

    /// The `EventId` of this event.
    fn event_id(&self) -> &Self::Id;

    /// The `RoomId` of this event.
    fn room_id(&self) -> &RoomId;

    /// The `UserId` of this event.
    fn sender(&self) -> &UserId;

    /// The time of creation on the originating server.
    fn origin_server_ts(&self) -> MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch;

    /// The event type.
    fn event_type(&self) -> &RoomEventType;

    /// The event's content.
    fn content(&self) -> &RawJsonValue;

    /// The state key for this event.
    fn state_key(&self) -> Option<&str>;

    /// The events before this event.
    // Requires GATs to avoid boxing (and TAIT for making it convenient).
    fn prev_events(&self) -> Box<dyn DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &Self::Id> + '_>;

    /// All the authenticating events for this event.
    // Requires GATs to avoid boxing (and TAIT for making it convenient).
    fn auth_events(&self) -> Box<dyn DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &Self::Id> + '_>;

    /// If this event is a redaction event this is the event it redacts.
    fn redacts(&self) -> Option<&Self::Id>;

impl<T: Event> Event for &T {
    type Id = T::Id;

    fn event_id(&self) -> &Self::Id {

    fn room_id(&self) -> &RoomId {

    fn sender(&self) -> &UserId {

    fn origin_server_ts(&self) -> MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch {

    fn event_type(&self) -> &RoomEventType {

    fn content(&self) -> &RawJsonValue {

    fn state_key(&self) -> Option<&str> {

    fn prev_events(&self) -> Box<dyn DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &Self::Id> + '_> {

    fn auth_events(&self) -> Box<dyn DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &Self::Id> + '_> {

    fn redacts(&self) -> Option<&Self::Id> {

impl<T: Event> Event for Arc<T> {
    type Id = T::Id;

    fn event_id(&self) -> &Self::Id {

    fn room_id(&self) -> &RoomId {

    fn sender(&self) -> &UserId {

    fn origin_server_ts(&self) -> MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch {

    fn event_type(&self) -> &RoomEventType {

    fn content(&self) -> &RawJsonValue {

    fn state_key(&self) -> Option<&str> {

    fn prev_events(&self) -> Box<dyn DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &Self::Id> + '_> {

    fn auth_events(&self) -> Box<dyn DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &Self::Id> + '_> {

    fn redacts(&self) -> Option<&Self::Id> {