ruma-signatures 0.12.0

Digital signatures according to the Matrix specification.
//! Verification of digital signatures.

use ed25519_dalek::{PublicKey, Verifier as _};

use crate::{Error, ParseError, VerificationError};

/// A digital signature verifier.
pub trait Verifier {
    /// Use a public key to verify a signature against the JSON object that was signed.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * public_key: The raw bytes of the public key of the key pair used to sign the message.
    /// * signature: The raw bytes of the signature to verify.
    /// * message: The raw bytes of the message that was signed.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns an error if verification fails.
    fn verify_json(&self, public_key: &[u8], signature: &[u8], message: &[u8])
        -> Result<(), Error>;

/// A verifier for Ed25519 digital signatures.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Ed25519Verifier;

impl Verifier for Ed25519Verifier {
    fn verify_json(
        public_key: &[u8],
        signature: &[u8],
        message: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
            .verify(message, &signature.try_into().map_err(ParseError::Signature)?)

/// A value returned when an event is successfully verified.
/// Event verification involves verifying both signatures and a content hash. It is possible for
/// the signatures on an event to be valid, but for the hash to be different than the one
/// calculated during verification. This is not necessarily an error condition, as it may indicate
/// that the event has been redacted. In this case, receiving homeservers should store a redacted
/// version of the event.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Verified {
    /// All signatures are valid and the content hashes match.

    /// All signatures are valid but the content hashes don't match.
    /// This may indicate a redacted event.