ruma-macros 0.10.5

Procedural macros used by the Ruma crates.
//! Methods and types for generating API endpoints.

use std::{env, fs, path::Path};

use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use serde::{de::IgnoredAny, Deserialize};
use syn::{
    parse::{Parse, ParseStream},
    Attribute, Field, Token, Type,

use self::{api_metadata::Metadata, api_request::Request, api_response::Response};
use crate::util::import_ruma_common;

mod api_metadata;
mod api_request;
mod api_response;
mod attribute;
mod auth_scheme;
pub mod request;
pub mod response;
mod util;
mod version;

mod kw {
    use syn::custom_keyword;


/// The result of processing the `ruma_api` macro, ready for output back to source code.
pub struct Api {
    /// The `metadata` section of the macro.
    metadata: Metadata,

    /// The `request` section of the macro.
    request: Option<Request>,

    /// The `response` section of the macro.
    response: Option<Response>,

    /// The `error` section of the macro.
    error_ty: Option<Type>,

impl Api {
    pub fn expand_all(self) -> TokenStream {
        let maybe_error = ensure_feature_presence().map(syn::Error::to_compile_error);

        let ruma_common = import_ruma_common();
        let http = quote! { #ruma_common::exports::http };

        let metadata = &self.metadata;
        let description = &metadata.description;
        let method = &metadata.method;
        let name = &;
        let unstable_path = util::map_option_literal(&metadata.unstable_path);
        let r0_path = util::map_option_literal(&metadata.r0_path);
        let stable_path = util::map_option_literal(&metadata.stable_path);
        let rate_limited = &self.metadata.rate_limited;
        let authentication = &self.metadata.authentication;
        let added = util::map_option_literal(&metadata.added);
        let deprecated = util::map_option_literal(&metadata.deprecated);
        let removed = util::map_option_literal(&metadata.removed);

        let error_ty = self.error_ty.map_or_else(
            || quote! { #ruma_common::api::error::MatrixError },
            |err_ty| quote! { #err_ty },

        let request =|req| req.expand(metadata, &error_ty, &ruma_common));
        let response =|res| res.expand(metadata, &error_ty, &ruma_common));

        let metadata_doc = format!("Metadata for the `{}` API endpoint.", name.value());

        quote! {

            #[doc = #metadata_doc]
            pub const METADATA: #ruma_common::api::Metadata = #ruma_common::api::Metadata {
                description: #description,
                method: #http::Method::#method,
                name: #name,
                unstable_path: #unstable_path,
                r0_path: #r0_path,
                stable_path: #stable_path,
                added: #added,
                deprecated: #deprecated,
                removed: #removed,
                rate_limited: #rate_limited,
                authentication: #ruma_common::api::AuthScheme::#authentication,


            #[cfg(not(any(feature = "client", feature = "server")))]
            type _SilenceUnusedError = #error_ty;

impl Parse for Api {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
        let metadata: Metadata = input.parse()?;

        let req_attrs =;
        let (request, attributes) = if input.peek(kw::request) {
            let request = parse_request(input, req_attrs)?;
            let after_req_attrs =;

            (Some(request), after_req_attrs)
        } else {
            // There was no `request` field so the attributes are for `response`
            (None, req_attrs)

        let response = if input.peek(kw::response) {
            Some(parse_response(input, attributes)?)
        } else if !attributes.is_empty() {
            return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(
                "attributes are not supported on the error type",
        } else {

        let error_ty = input
            .then(|| {
                let _: kw::error = input.parse()?;
                let _: Token![:] = input.parse()?;


        Ok(Self { metadata, request, response, error_ty })

fn parse_request(input: ParseStream<'_>, attributes: Vec<Attribute>) -> syn::Result<Request> {
    let request_kw: kw::request = input.parse()?;
    let _: Token![:] = input.parse()?;
    let fields;
    braced!(fields in input);

    let fields = fields.parse_terminated::<_, Token![,]>(Field::parse_named)?;

    Ok(Request { request_kw, attributes, fields })

fn parse_response(input: ParseStream<'_>, attributes: Vec<Attribute>) -> syn::Result<Response> {
    let response_kw: kw::response = input.parse()?;
    let _: Token![:] = input.parse()?;
    let fields;
    braced!(fields in input);

    let fields = fields.parse_terminated::<_, Token![,]>(Field::parse_named)?;

    Ok(Response { attributes, fields, response_kw })

// Returns an error with a helpful error if the crate `ruma_api!` is used from doesn't declare both
// a `client` and a `server` feature.
fn ensure_feature_presence() -> Option<&'static syn::Error> {
    struct CargoToml {
        features: Features,

    struct Features {
        client: Option<IgnoredAny>,
        server: Option<IgnoredAny>,

    static RESULT: Lazy<Result<(), syn::Error>> = Lazy::new(|| {
        let manifest_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")
            .map_err(|_| syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), "Failed to read CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))?;

        let manifest_file = Path::new(&manifest_dir).join("Cargo.toml");
        let manifest_bytes = fs::read(manifest_file)
            .map_err(|_| syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), "Failed to read Cargo.toml"))?;

        let manifest_parsed: CargoToml = toml::from_slice(&manifest_bytes)
            .map_err(|_| syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), "Failed to parse Cargo.toml"))?;

        if manifest_parsed.features.client.is_none() {
            return Err(syn::Error::new(
                "This crate doesn't define a `client` feature in its `Cargo.toml`.\n\
                 Please add a `client` feature such that generated `OutgoingRequest` and \
                 `IncomingResponse` implementations can be enabled.",

        if manifest_parsed.features.server.is_none() {
            return Err(syn::Error::new(
                "This crate doesn't define a `server` feature in its `Cargo.toml`.\n\
                 Please add a `server` feature such that generated `IncomingRequest` and \
                 `OutgoingResponse` implementations can be enabled.",

