ruma-common 0.10.5

Common types for other ruma crates.
//! Types for the [`m.typing`] event.
//! [`m.typing`]:

use ruma_macros::EventContent;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::OwnedUserId;

/// The content of an `m.typing` event.
/// Informs the client who is currently typing in a given room.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize, EventContent)]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "unstable-exhaustive-types"), non_exhaustive)]
#[ruma_event(type = "m.typing", kind = EphemeralRoom)]
pub struct TypingEventContent {
    /// The list of user IDs typing in this room, if any.
    pub user_ids: Vec<OwnedUserId>,

impl TypingEventContent {
    /// Creates a new `TypingEventContent` with the given user IDs.
    pub fn new(user_ids: Vec<OwnedUserId>) -> Self {
        Self { user_ids }