ruma-client 0.10.0

A Matrix client library.
# [unreleased]

# 0.10.0

Breaking changes:

* Upgrade dependencies

# 0.9.0

Breaking changes:

* Upgrade dependencies

# 0.8.0

Breaking changes:

* Upgrade dependencies
* The whole `Client` is now feature-gated (`client-api` feature).
  We may introduce a separate `FederationClient` and possibly other types like
  that in the future.


* Rewrite `Client` initialization and store server-supported Matrix versions in
  it, to determine whether to use stable, unstable or r0 paths for endpoints

# 0.7.0

Breaking changes:

* Upgrade dependencies

# 0.6.0

Breaking changes:

* Upgrade ruma-client-api to 0.11.0

# 0.5.0

Breaking changes:

* Make `Client` generic over the http client
* Make the ruma-client-api dependency optional
* Upgrade dependencies


* Add support for multiple HTTP clients