ruma-client-api 0.7.1

Types for the endpoints in the Matrix client-server API.
Welcome! Thanks for looking into contributing to our project!

# Table of Contents

- [Looking for Help?]#looking-for-help
  - [Documentation]#documentation
  - [Chat Rooms]#chat-rooms
- [Reporting Issues]#reporting-issues
- [Submitting Code]#submitting-code
  - [Coding Style]#coding-style
  - [Modifying Endpoints]#modifying-endpoints
  - [Submitting PRs]#submitting-prs
  - [Where do I start?]#where-do-i-start
- [Testing]#testing
- [Contact]#contact

# Looking for Help?

Here is a list of helpful resources you can consult:

## Documentation

- [Matrix spec Documentation]
- Documentation to other Ruma modules:
  - [ruma-events]
  - [ruma-api]
  - [ruma-client]

## Chat Rooms

- Ruma Matrix room: []
- Matrix Developer room: []

# Reporting Issues

If you find any bugs, inconsistencies or other problems, feel free to submit
a GitHub [issue](issues).

If you have a quick question, it may be easier to leave a message on

Also, if you have trouble getting on board, let us know so we can help future
contributors to the project overcome that hurdle too.

# Submitting Code

Ready to write some code? Great! Here are some guidelines to follow to
help you on your way:

## Coding Style

### Import Formatting

Organize your imports into three groups separated by blank lines:

1. `std` imports
1. External imports (from other crates)
1. Local imports (`self::`, `super::`, `crate::` and things like `LocalType::*`)

For example,

use std::collections::HashMap;

use ruma_api::ruma_api;

use super::MyType;

Also, group imports by module. For example, do this:

use std::{
    fmt::{Debug, Display, Error as FmtError, Formatter},

as opposed to:

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Error as FmtError, Formatter};

### Code Formatting and Linting

Use `rustfmt` to format your code and `clippy` to lint your code. Before
committing your changes, go ahead and run `cargo fmt` and `cargo clippy
--all-targets --all-features` on the repository to make sure that the
formatting and linting checks pass in CI. Note that `clippy` warnings are
reported as errors in CI builds, so make sure to handle those before
comitting as well. (To install the tools, run `rustup component add rustfmt

### Commit Messages

Write commit messages using the imperative mood, as if completing the sentence:
"If applied, this commit will \_\_\_." For example, use "Fix some bug" instead
of "Fixed some bug" or "Add a feature" instead of "Added a feature".

(Take a look at this
[blog post](
for more information on writing good commit messages.)

## Modifying Endpoints

### Matrix Spec Version

Use the latest r0.x.x documentation when adding or modifying code. We target
the latest minor version of the Matrix specification. (Note: We might
reconsider this when the Client-Server API hits r1.0.0.)

### Endpoint Documentation Header

Add a comment to the top of each endpoint file that includes the path
and a link to the documentation of the spec. You can use the latest
version at the time of the commit. For example:

//! [GET /.well-known/matrix/client](

### Naming Endpoints

When adding new endpoints, select the module that fits the purpose of the
endpoint. When naming the endpoint itself, you can use the following
- The name should be a verb describing what the client is requesting, e.g.
- Endpoints which are basic CRUD operations should use the prefixes
  `create`, `get`, `update`, and `delete`.
- The prefix `set` is preferred to create if the resource is a singleton.
  In other words, when there's no distinction between `create` and `update`.
- Try to use names that are as descriptive as possible and distinct from
  other endpoints in all other modules. (For example, instead of
  `r0::room::get_event`, use `r0::room::get_room_event`).
- If you're not sure what to name it, pick any name and we can help you
  with it.

### Tracking Changes

Add your changes to the [change log]( If possible, try to
find and denote the version of the spec that included the change you are

## Submitting PRs

Once you're ready to submit your code, create a pull request, and one of our
maintainers will review it. Once your PR has passed review, a maintainer will
merge the request and you're done! 🎉

## Where do I start?

If this is your first contribution to the project, we recommend taking a look
at one of the [open issues][] we've marked for new contributors.

It may be helpful to peruse some of the documentation for `ruma-events` and
`ruma-api` listed above for some context.

[open issues]:

# Testing

Before committing, run `cargo check` to make sure that your changes can build, as well as running the formatting and linting tools [mentioned above](#code-formatting-and-linting).

# Contact

Thanks again for being a contributor! If you have any questions, join us at