rug 1.7.0

Arbitrary-precision integers, rational, floating-point and complex numbers based on GMP, MPFR and MPC
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Verison 1.7.0 (2019-01-21)

  * The crate now requires rustc version 1.37.0 or later.
  * The `RemAssignRound` and `RemFromRound` traits were added.
  * The `Rem`, `RemAssign`, `RemFrom`, `RemAssignRound` and
    `RemFromRound` traits were implemented for `Float`.
  * Arithmetic operations with one `Integer` or integer primitive
    operand and one `Rational` operand were added.
  * The method `Integer::div_exact_from` was added.
  * The methods `Integer::gcd_u`, `Integer::gcd_u_mut` and
    `Integer::gcd_u_ref` were added.
  * The methods `Integer::lcm_u`, `Integer::lcm_u_mut` and
    `Integer::lcm_u_ref` were added.
  * The methods `Float::remainder`, `Float::remainder_mut`,
    `Float::remainder_round`, `Float::remainder_from`,
    `Float::remainder_from_round` and `Float::remainder_ref` were

Compatibility note

  * `SmallInteger`, `SmallRational`, `SmallFloat` and `SmallComplex`
    are no longer `Sync` to avoid the possibility of a data race.
    References obtained by dereferencing them, for example the
    `&Integer` returned from `SmallInteger::deref`, are still `Send`
    and `Sync`.

Verison 1.6.0 (2019-09-03)

  * Arithmetic operator implementations for `i8`, `i16`, `i64`,
    `i128`, `u8`, `u16`, `u64` and `u128` were added to the existing
    implementations for `i32` and `u32`.
  * The function `float::free_cache` was added.
  * The method `RandState::into_custom_boxed` was added.
  * `ThreadRandState` and `ThreadRandGen` were added to the `rand`
    module to enable the use of custom random generators that are not
    `Send` and `Sync`.
  * Numeric type methods which take `RandState` now can also take

Compatibility note

  * The numeric type methods which took `&mut RandState` were changed
    to take `&mut dyn MutRandState` instead. Under normal use, this
    does not have any affect apart from allowing the use of
	`&mut ThreadRandState` as well. With function inlining and
    optimization, the generated code should have the same performance.

Verison 1.5.2 (2019-07-26)

  * Bug fix: `Pow<i32> for Rational` was returning the reciprocal of
    the correct result.

Verison 1.5.1 (2019-07-10)

  * Bug fix: a memory leak in conversions of `Float` to string was
    fixed (

Verison 1.5.0 (2019-07-04)

  * The method `Integer::assign_digits_unaligned` was added to enable
    reading digits from unaligned memory.
  * The method `Integer::write_digits_unaligned` was added to enable
    writing digits to unaligned and  uninitialized memory.
  * The methods `Float::u_exp` and `Float::i_exp` were added.
  * The method `Complex::abs_round` was added.
  * The documentation examples on `from_raw` methods now use
    `MaybeUninit` instead of `mem::uninitialized`.

Verison 1.4.0 (2019-04-24)

  * Require rustc version 1.31.0.
  * The method `RandState::as_raw` was fixed to take `&self` instead
    of `&mut self`.
  * `float::prec_min` and `float::prec_max` are now const functions.
  * Add `Float::copysign` methods.

Version 1.3.0 (2019-01-26)

  * Add `SmallRational::assign_canonical`.

Version 1.2.3 (2019-01-21)

  * Fixed bug in `Integer::assign_digits`. (Thanks: Eric Scrivner)

Version 1.2.2 (2018-10-18)

  * Implement `NotAssign`, `BitAndFrom`, `BitOrFrom` and `BitXorFrom`
    for `bool`.
  * Implement `NegAssign` for `f32` and `f64`.

Version 1.2.1 (2018-08-16)

  * Add `bool` support to the `Integer::from_digits`,
    `Integer::assign_digits`, `Integer::significant_digits`,
    `Integer::to_digits` and `Integer::write_digits` methods.

Version 1.2.0 (2018-06-30)

  * Generalize implementations of `Sum` and `Product` for `Integer`
    and `Rational`.
  * Add `Integer::keep_signed_bits` methods.
  * Add `Integer::sum`, `Integer::dot` and `Integer::product` methods.
  * Add `Rational::sum`, `Rational::dot` and `Rational::product`
  * Add `Float::dot` and `Complex::dot` methods.

Version 1.1.1 (2018-05-20)

  * Enable unstable `i128`, `u128` and `TryFrom` in nightly.

Version 1.1.0 (2018-04-23)

  * Add `i128` and `u128` support, conditional on compiler support.
  * Implement `TryFrom::<Integer>` and `TryFrom::<&Integer>` for
    integer primitives, conditional on compiler support.
  * Implement `TryFrom::<f32>`, `TryFrom::<f64>`, `TryFrom::<Float>`
    and `TryFrom::<&Float>` for `Rational`, conditional on compiler
  * Add `Float::get_significand` method.
  * Add `Float::u_pow_u` and `Float::i_pow_u` methods.
  * Add `Integer::from_digits`, `Integer::to_digits`,
    `Integer::assign_digits`, `Integer::write_digits` and
    `Integer::significant_digits` methods.

Version 1.0.2 (2018-04-09)

  * Bug fix: `Integer::reserve` was shrinking the allocation in some
  * Bug fix: Change gmp-mpfr-sys dependency from caret to tilde, since
    Rug uses internal implementation details.

Version 1.0.1 (2018-03-10)

  * Add `Integer::is_power_of_two` method.
  * Add `Integer::signed_bits` method.
  * Add `Integer::secure_pow_mod` methods.
  * Add `Integer::div_rem_round` methods.
  * Add `Complex::eq0` method.
  * Improve documentation.

Version 1.0.0 (2018-03-03)

  * `Integer::invert_mut` and `Integer::pow_mod_mut` now return
    `Result<(), ()>` instead of `bool`.
  * `float::Round`, `float::Constant` and `float::Special` enums are
    now marked as non-exhaustive.
  * Remove all deprecated items.
  * Remove unsound blanket implementations constrained on
    `T where SmallInteger: Assign<T>` inside `SmallRational` and on
    `T where SmallFloat: Assign<T>` inside `SmallComplex`.

Version 0.10.0 (2018-02-17)

  * `Integer::invert_ref` and `Integer::pow_mod_ref` now return an
    `Option`, not an object that is assignable to `Result`.
  * `Float::random_bits` and `Complex::random_bits` are now assignable
    to the number values, not to `Result` objects.
  * `Rational::signum`, `Rational::trunc`, `Rational::ceil`,
    `Rational::floor` and `Rational::round` now return `Rational`.
  * `Complex::abs`, `Complex::arg` and `Complex::norm` now return
  * Remove `Default` implementations from all types of `Float` and
    `Complex`; now the precision always has to be specified.
  * Remove `Sum` and `Product` implementations for `Float` and
  * Remove `Clone` and `Copy` implementations from all incomplete
    computation types.
  * Revamp top-level crate documentation.
  * Add `Integer::parse` and `Rational::parse`, and deprecate
    `ValidInteger`, `ValidRational`, `valid_str_radix` methods, and
    `assign_str*` methods.
  * Add `Float::parse` and `Complex::parse`, and deprecate
    `ValidFloat`, `ValidComplex`, `from_str*` methods,
    `valid_str_radix` methods, and `assign_str*` methods.
  * Rename `Integer::gcd_coeffs*` methods to
  * `Integer::gcd_cofactors_ref` now supports computing only one
  * Deprecate `Rational::to_integer` and `Rational::as_numer_denom`.
  * Deprecate `Rational::as_mut_numer_denom` and replace with
  * Deprecate `Complex::as_real_imag`.

Version 0.9.3 (2018-02-09)

  * Add `Integer::square` and `Rational::square` methods.
  * Add `Rational::cmp_abs` method.
  * Add `Float::sum` and `Complex::sum` methods.
  * Add `from_raw`, `into_raw`, `as_raw` and `as_raw_mut` to
  * Add `RandGen::boxed_clone` and `RandState::new_custom_boxed`, and
    thus support for cloning custom random generators.
  * Fix `Float::PartialOrd<f32>` (and `<f64>`) to return `None` when
    the primitive is NaN.

Version 0.9.2 (2018-01-12)

  * Require rustc version 1.18.0.
  * Require gmp-mpfr-sys version 1.1.0.
  * Deprecate most `assign_*` methods, and replace with static methods
    that return an assignable object.
  * Deprecate `Rational::copy_to_integer` method.
  * Add `Rational::assign_canonical` and `Rational::from_canonical`
  * Add `Float::ln_u` method.
  * Add `Float::round_even` methods.
  * Add `Float::gamma_inc` methods.
  * Add `Float::random_normal` and `Float::random_exp` methods.
  * Deprecate `Float::assign_random_gaussian` methods.
  * Add `Complex::cmp_abs` method.
  * Add `Complex::root_of_unity` method.
  * Deprecate `SmallRational::from_canonicalized_*` methods and
    replace with `SmallRational::from_canonical` method.
  * Deprecate `SmallRational::assign_canonicalized_*` methods.
  * Add `as_nonreallocating_*` methods to `SmallInteger`,
    `SmallRational`, `SmallFloat` and `SmallComplex`.
  * Fix `SmallFloat::new` and `SmallComplex::new` to produce numbers
    with a precision of 53.
  * Deprecate and hide `float::Round::AwayFromZero`.
  * Add `Integer::signum`, `Rational::signum` and `Float::signum`
  * Add missing conversion to/from and comparisons to primitive types.
  * Add `from_raw`, `into_raw`, `as_raw` and `as_raw_mut` to
    `Integer`, `Rational`, `Float` and `Complex`.
  * Add `Float::classify` method.
  * Add `Float::mul_add`, `Float::mul_sub`, `Float::mul_add_mul` and
    `Float::mul_sub_mul` methods.
  * Add `Complex::mul_add` and `Complex::mul_sub` methods.

Version 0.9.1 (2017-11-27)

  * Implement mathematical operations where operands include
    references to primitives.
  * Remove undefined behaviour: replace
    `mem::swap(&mut src, &mut uninitialized)` with
    `ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&src, &mut uninitialized, 1)`.

Version 0.9.0 (2017-11-16)

  * Move `rug::float::AssignRound` to `rug::ops::AssignRound`.
  * `OrdFloat` now orders +NaN above +∞, while −NaN is still below −∞.
  * Change `Float::subnormalize` methods to require explicit minimum
    normal exponent.
  * Add `Float::subnormalize_ieee` methods to deduce exponent range
    from precision, like old `Float::subnormalize`. The new method
    also supports all IEEE 754-2008 precisions corresponding to k
    storage bits where k ≥ 128 and k is a multiple of 32.
  * Deprecate `Rational::fract` methods and replace with
    `Rational::rem_trunc` methods.
  * Add `Rational::rem_ceil` and `Rational::rem_floor` methods.
  * Add `Rational::rem_round` and `Rational::fract_round` methods.
  * Add `Float::next_toward`, `Float::next_up` and `Float::next_down`.
  * Add optional serde support.

Version 0.8.0 (2017-10-26)

  * Rename `Integer::sign`, `Rational::sign` and `Float::sign` methods
    as `Integer::cmp0`, `Rational::cmp0` and `Float::cmp0`.
  * Rename `Float::pos_diff` as `Float::positive_diff`.
  * Move `rug::AssignRound` to `rug::float::AssignRound`.
  * Add `Integer::clamp`, `Rational::clamp` and `Float::clamp`
  * Add `Integer::div_rem_ceil`, `Integer::div_rem_floor` and
    `Integer::div_rem_euc` methods.
  * Add `DivRounding`, `DivRoundingAssign` and `DivRoundingFrom`
    traits, and their `Rem` counterparts, and implement them for
    `Integer`, and for combinations of `Integer` with `i32` or `u32`.
  * Add `Rational::fract_floor` and `Rational::fract_ceil` methods.

Version 0.7.0 (2017-09-30)

  * Fix swapped `Float::sin_cos_mut` and `Float::sin_cos_round`,
    `Float::sinh_cosh_mut` and `Float::sinh_cosh_round`, and
    `Float::trunc_fract_mut` and `Float::trunc_fract_round`.
  * Fix `Float::to_f32_round`.
  * Now `Float::subnormalize` only works for precisions defined in
    IEEE 754.
  * Add `Integer::gcd_coeffs` methods.

Version 0.6.0 (2017-08-09)

  * Requires rustc version 1.17.0.
  * Rename `Float::abs_diff` as `Float::pos_diff`.
  * Replace `Float::get_sign` with `Float::is_sign_positive` and
  * Add various `as_neg`, `as_abs` and `as_conj` methods.
  * Add `OrdFloat` and `OrdComplex` for complete ordering.