rug 0.7.0

Arbitrary-precision integers, rational, floating-point and complex numbers based on GMP, MPFR and MPC
# Arbitrary-precision numbers

The `rug` crate provides integers and floating-point numbers with
arbitrary precision and correct rounding. Its main features are:

* big [integers][rug int] with arbitrary precision,
* big [rational numbers][rug rat] with arbitrary precision,
* multi-precision [floating-point numbers][rug flo] with correct
  rounding, and
* multi-precision [complex numbers][rug com] with correct rounding.

This crate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See the full text of the
[GNU LGPL][lgpl] and [GNU GPL][gpl] for details.

## Basic use

[Documentation][rug] for this crate is available. This crate depends
on the low-level bindings in the [`gmp-mpfr-sys`][sys] crate, which
provides Rust FFI bindings for:

* the [GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library][gmp] (GMP),
* the [GNU MPFR Library][mpfr], a library for multiple-precision
  floating-point computations, and
* [GNU MPC][mpc], a library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with
  arbitrarily high precision.

It can be helpful to refer to the documentation of the [GMP][gmp doc],
[MPFR][mpfr doc] and [MPC][mpc doc] libraries.

## Examples

extern crate rug;
use rug::{Assign, Integer};

fn main() {
    // Create an integer initialized as zero.
    let mut int = Integer::new();
    assert_eq!(int, 0);
    assert_eq!(int, 14);
    let hex_160 = "ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000";
    int.assign_str_radix(hex_160, 16).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(int.significant_bits(), 160);
    int = (int >> 128) - 1;
    assert_eq!(int, 0xfffe_ffff_u32);

## Usage

To use `rug` in your crate, add `extern crate rug;` to the crate root
and add `rug` as a dependency in `Cargo.toml`:

rug = "0.7.0"

The `rug` crate depends on the low-level bindings in the
[`gmp-mpfr-sys`][sys] crate. This should be transparent on GNU/Linux
and macOS, but may need some work on Windows. See the
[`gmp-mpfr-sys`][sys] documentation for some details.

### Optional features

The `rug` crate has five optional features: `integer`, `rational`,
`float`, `complex` and `rand`. The traits in the [`ops`][rug ops]
module are always included. The optional features are enabled by
default; to disable them add this to `Cargo.toml`:

version = "0.7.0"
default-features = false

If no optional features are selected, the [`gmp-mpfr-sys`][sys] crate
is not required and thus not enabled.

To use features selectively, you can add this to `Cargo.toml`:

version = "0.7.0"
default-features = false
# Pick which features to use
features = ["integer", "float", "rand"]

Note that both the `rational` feature and the `rand` feature depend
on, and will enable, the `integer` feature. Similarly the `complex`
feature depends on, and will enable, the `float` feature.

[gmp doc]:
[mpc doc]:
[mpfr doc]:
[rug com]:*/rug/struct.Complex.html
[rug flo]:*/rug/struct.Float.html
[rug int]:*/rug/struct.Integer.html
[rug ops]:*/rug/ops/index.html
[rug rat]:*/rug/struct.Rational.html