rug-maths 0.2.2

rug wrapper implementing maths-traits


A wrapper for the rug structs, implementing maths-traits traits. It enables computing with arbitrary precision, with algebra & analysis traits.


let z = Complex::with_val(53, (123, 369)); // 123 + 369i
let a = z.real(); // 123
let b = z.imag(); // 369

let n = Integer::from(101);
assert!(; // Check primality

let a = Integer::from(27);
let b = Integer::from(72);
assert_eq!(a.clone().gcd(b.clone()), Integer::from(9)); // Compute GCD
assert_eq!(a.lcm(b), Integer::from(216)); // Compute LCM


Some traits impls and tests are missing. Trigonometric functions should be verified & corrected for Complex.

Due to missing conversion functions in rug and some requirements in maths-traits, some conversions and operations are very ugly and could be longer than simple implementations (useless clones, intermediary conversion into i128, etc). Lots of functions do the same thing by different ways, so please choose carefully. (generally, avoid the more abstract traits)