rubedo 0.5.3

Library of useful functionality and extensions


The Rubedo crate is a library of useful functionality, some being extensions of standard library entities; some extensions of other, popular crates; and some being completely new functionality.

It is named after the alchemical process of turning base metals into gold. The word "rubedo" is Latin for "redness", and is the final stage of the alchemical process. It is also the name of the final stage of the Magnum Opus. The Magnum Opus is the process of creating the philosopher's stone, which is supposed to be able to turn base metals into gold. The philosopher's stone is also said to be able to grant immortality, and is the main goal of alchemy. The philosopher's stone is also known as the "red stone" or the "red powder". The reasons for the choice of name are firstly that the "redness" is tangentially related to Rust through colour, and secondly that this crate will aspirationally help to turn your Rust code into gold... well, maybe... or at least make it easier to write.

The modules provided are: