Module rubble::uuid[][src]

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BLE UUIDs (16, 32 or 128 bits).

Bluetooth assigns UUIDs to identify services and characteristics. In order to save space, many common UUIDs can be represented and transmitted as 16- or 32-bit aliases instead of the full 128 bits.

The shorter UUIDs can be converted to their full 128-bit counterparts by making use of the Bluetooth Base UUID, which is defined as 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB.

A 16-bit UUID alias can be converted to its 32-bit equivalent by zero-extending it: 0xABCD becomes 0x0000ABCD.

A 32-bit UUID alias can then be converted to its full 128-bit equivalent by placing it in the first 4 Bytes of the Base UUID. Hence 0x1234ABCD would become 1234ABCD-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB.


A 16-bit UUID alias.

A 32-bit UUID alias.

A full 128-bit UUID.


List of the supported UUID types.


Marker for UUID types.