rubble 0.0.4

An embedded BLE stack
//! Stack configuration trait.

use crate::link::{queue::PacketQueue, Transmitter};
use crate::{l2cap::ChannelMapper, time::Timer};

// TODO: Use associated type defaults in the trait once stable

/// Trait for Rubble stack configurations.
/// This trait defines a number of types to be used throughout the layers of the BLE stack, which
/// define capabilities, data structures, data, and hardware interface types to be used.
/// Every application must define a type implementing this trait and supply it to the stack.
pub trait Config {
    /// A time source with microsecond resolution.
    type Timer: Timer;

    /// The BLE packet transmitter (radio).
    type Transmitter: Transmitter;

    /// The L2CAP channel mapper in use.
    /// This type also provides access to the attributes hosted by the ATT server.
    type ChannelMapper: ChannelMapper;

    /// The packet queue to use for exchanging data between the real-time Link-Layer and
    /// non-realtime parts of the stack.
    type PacketQueue: PacketQueue;

// Helper aliases to make accessing producer/consumer more convenient.
pub(crate) type ConfProducer<C> = <<C as Config>::PacketQueue as PacketQueue>::Producer;
pub(crate) type ConfConsumer<C> = <<C as Config>::PacketQueue as PacketQueue>::Consumer;

// (`C::PacketQueue::Producer` should work, but doesn't)
// (see: