rubbl_casatables 0.1.3

Interfacing to the CASA table format within the Rubbl framework.


A Rust interface to the CASA table format.

Publishing to

Publishing this crate to is a bit of a pain because it needs the header files that are stored in ../casatables_impl. (The two crates are, in turn, split to save on compilation time for the large CASA tables C++ codebase.) The header files are referenced via a symlink in src/casacore that points to ../../casatables_impl/casacore.

However, cargo publish can't handle such a symlink. (It used to be able to …) The best solution I can identify is to manually copy the files temporarily. You need to add them to Git because cargo uses Git's listing of files to know what to publish. The procedure is:

  1. rm src/casacore
  2. cp -r ../casatables_impl/casacore src/
  3. git add src/casacore
  4. cargo publish --allow-dirty
  5. git reset HEAD src/casacore
  6. rm -rf src/casacore
  7. git checkout src/casacore