Expand description

An audio sample rate conversion library for Rust.

This library provides resamplers to process audio in chunks.

The ratio between input and output sample rates is completely free. Implementations are available that accept a fixed length input while returning a variable length output, and vice versa.

Rubato can be used in realtime applications without any allocation during processing by preallocating a Resampler and using its input_buffer_allocate and output_buffer_allocate methods before beginning processing. The log feature feature should be disabled for realtime use (it is disabled by default).

Input and output data format

Input and output data is stored non-interleaved.

The output data is stored in a vector of vectors, Vec<Vec<f32>> or Vec<Vec<f64>>. The inner vectors (Vec<f32> or Vec<f64>) hold the sample values for one channel each.

The input data is similar, except that it allows the inner vectors to be AsRef<[f32]> or AsRef<[f64]>. Normal vectors can be used since Vec implements the AsRef trait.

Asynchronous resampling

The resampling is based on band-limited interpolation using sinc interpolation filters. The sinc interpolation upsamples by an adjustable factor, and then the new sample points are calculated by interpolating between these points. The resampling ratio can be updated at any time.

Synchronous resampling

Synchronous resampling is implemented via FFT. The data is FFT:ed, the spectrum modified, and then inverse FFT:ed to get the resampled data. This type of resampler is considerably faster but doesn’t support changing the resampling ratio.

SIMD acceleration

Asynchronous resampling

The asynchronous resampler supports SIMD on x86_64 and on aarch64. The SIMD capabilities of the CPU are determined at runtime. If no supported SIMD instruction set is available, it falls back to a scalar implementation.

On x86_64 it will try to use AVX. If AVX isn’t available, it will instead try SSE3.

On aarch64 (64-bit Arm) it will use Neon if available.

Synchronous resampling

The synchronous resamplers benefit from the SIMD support of the RustFFT library.

Cargo features

log: Enable logging

This feature enables logging via the log crate. This is intended for debugging purposes. Note that outputting logs allocates a std::string::String and most logging implementations involve various other system calls. These calls may take some (unpredictable) time to return, during which the application is blocked. This means that logging should be avoided if using this library in a realtime application.


Resample a single chunk of a dummy audio file from 44100 to 48000 Hz. See also the “fixedin64” example that can be used to process a file from disk.

use rubato::{Resampler, SincFixedIn, InterpolationType, InterpolationParameters, WindowFunction};
let params = InterpolationParameters {
    sinc_len: 256,
    f_cutoff: 0.95,
    interpolation: InterpolationType::Linear,
    oversampling_factor: 256,
    window: WindowFunction::BlackmanHarris2,
let mut resampler = SincFixedIn::<f64>::new(
    48000 as f64 / 44100 as f64,

let waves_in = vec![vec![0.0f64; 1024];2];
let waves_out = resampler.process(&waves_in, None).unwrap();


The rubato crate requires rustc version 1.61 or newer.


  • v0.12.0
    • Always enable all simd acceleration (and remove the simd Cargo features).
  • v0.11.0
    • New api to allow use in realtime applications.
    • Configurable adjust range of asynchronous resamplers.
  • v0.10.1
    • Fix compiling with neon feature after changes in latest nightly.
  • v0.10.0
    • Add an object-safe wrapper trait for Resampler.
  • v0.9.0
    • Accept any AsRef<[T]> as input.



A synchronous resampler that needs a fixed number of audio frames for input and returns a variable number of frames.

A synchronous resampler that accepts a fixed number of audio frames for input and returns a fixed number of frames.

A synchronous resampler that needs a varying number of audio frames for input and returns a fixed number of frames.

A struct holding the parameters for interpolation.

Error raised when trying to use a CPU feature which is not supported.

A plain scalar interpolator

An asynchronous resampler that accepts a fixed number of audio frames for input and returns a variable number of frames.

An asynchronous resampler that return a fixed number of audio frames. The number of input frames required is given by the input_frames_next function.


An identifier for a cpu feature.

Interpolation methods that can be selected. For asynchronous interpolation where the ratio between input and output sample rates can be any number, it’s not possible to pre-calculate all the needed interpolation filters. Instead they have to be computed as needed, which becomes impractical since the sincs are very expensive to generate in terms of cpu time. It’s more efficient to combine the sinc filters with some other interpolation technique. Then sinc filters are used to provide a fixed number of interpolated points between input samples, and then the new value is calculated by interpolation between those points.

The error type used by rubato.

The error type returned when constructing Resampler

Different window functions that can be used to window the sinc function.


Dummy trait when not supported.

A resampler that us used to resample a chunk of audio to a new sample rate. For asynchronous resamplers, the rate can be adjusted as required.

The trait governing a single sample.

This is a helper trait that can be used when a Resampler must be object safe.

Type Definitions

A result alias for the error type used by rubato.