rualdi 0.2.0

Rust Aliasing Directory
# Rualdi

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Rust Aliasing Directory

## Table of contents

- [Introduction]#introduction
- [Examples]#examples
- [Getting started]#getting-started
  - [Installing `rualdi`]#step-1-installing-rualdi
  - [Adding `rualdi` to your shell]#step-3-adding-rualdi-to-your-shell
    - [bash]#bash
    - [zsh]#zsh
- [Configuration]#configuration
  - [`init` flags]#init-flags
  - [Environment variables]#environment-variables

## Introduction

Rualdi allows you to create aliases on directories and to provide
an encapsulation of the built-in `cd` command function for easy change of working directory.
You can also add environment variable which points on an alias.
All variables sourced in your environment are prefixed by `RAD_`.

Inspired by [`zoxide`]( code.

## Examples
rada workdir                     # Add current directory with workdir as alias
rada www /var/www                # Add /var/www directory with www as alias
rada stuff ~/stuff               # Works with home tild alias

radax workdir                    # Add current directory with workdir as alias
                                 # and add environment variable named RAD_WORKDIR
                                 # in current environment and in configuration file
radax workdir . wd               # Add current directory with workdir as alias
                                 # and add environment variable named RAD_WD
                                 # in current environment and to the configuration file

radx workdir wd                  # Add environment variable named RAD_WD which points
                                 # on alias workdir in current environment
                                 # and to the configuration file
radx workdir                     # Add environment variable named RAD_WORKDIR
                                 # which points on alias workdir in current environment
                                 # and to the configuration file

radxn workdir wd                 # Add environment variable named RAD_WD which points
                                 # on alias workdir in current environment
                                 # without adding it to the configuration file

rad www/some-site                # Perform cd in /var/www/some-site
rad -                            # Go back to previous directory as cd do it

radr workdir                     # Remove workdir alias and environment variable associated if exists
radr www stuff                   # Works with multiple aliases at same time

radxr workdir                    # Remove environment variable which points on alias workdir

radl                             # List aliases and environment variables

## Getting started

### Step 1: Installing `rualdi`

#### From Cargo registry
cargo install rualdi -f

#### From source
cargo build --release
cp target/release/rualdi <path>
Where `<path>` is the path where you store your binaries.

#### On Debian

##### From source
cargo install cargo-deb
cargo deb
sudo dpkg -i /target/debian/rualdi_<version>_<arch>.deb

##### From .deb prebuilt released
You can download a precompiled `.deb` package from the
[releases]( page and add run:

sudo dpkg -i /target/debian/rualdi_<version>_<arch>.deb

#### Other (via precompiled binary) [![GitHub releases]]
Alternatively, you can also download a precompiled binary from the
[releases]( page and add it to
your `PATH`.

### Step 2: Adding `rualdi` to your shell

Currently only `bash` and `zsh` are supported.

#### bash

Add the following line to your `~/.bashrc`:

eval "$(rualdi init bash)"

#### zsh

Add the following line to your `~/.zshrc`:

eval "$(rualdi init zsh)"

## Configuration

### `init` flags

- `--cmd`: change the `rad` command (and corresponding aliases) to something else.

### Environment variables

- `$_RAD_ALIASES_DIR`: directory where `rualdi` will store its aliases configuration file
  (default: platform-specific; see the [`dirs-next` documentation] for more information)
- `$_RAD_NO_ECHO`: when set to `1`, `rad` will not print the matched directory before navigating to it
- `$_RAD_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS`: when set to `1`, `rad` will resolve symlinks before print the matched directory.

[`dirs-next` documentation]: