rua 0.9.5

Secure jailed AUR helper for Arch Linux
## RUA

RUA is a build tool for ArchLinux, AUR. Its features:

* Show the user what they are about to install:
* * warn if SUID files are present, and show them
* * show INSTALL script (if present)
* * show file list preview
* * show executable list preview
* Minimize user interaction:
* * verify all PKGBUILD-s once, build everything later
* * group dependencies for batch review/install
* Uses a namespace [jail] to build packages:
* * supports "offline" builds (no internet access given to PKGBUILD)
* * uses isolated filesystem, e.g. no access to home directory (`~`). See [safety]#Safety section below
* * PKGBUILD script is run under seccomp rules
* * etc
* Written in Rust

Planned features include AUR upstream git diff and local patch application.

# Use

`rua install firefox-ublock-origin`  # install AUR package (with user confirmation)

`rua install --offline firefox-ublock-origin`  # same as above, but PKGBUILD is run without internet access. Sources are downloaded using .SRCINFO.

`rua tarcheck my_built_package.pkg.tar`  # if you already have a *.tar package built, run RUA checks on it (SUID, executable list, INSTALL script review etc).

`rua jailbuild --offline /path/to/pkgbuild/directory`  # build a directory. Don't fetch any dependencies. Assumes a clean directory.

`rua --help && rua install --help`  # shows CLI help

Jail arguments can be overridden in ~/.config/rua/wrap_args.d/, see the parent directory for examples.

## Install (the AUR way)
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel bubblewrap cargo
git clone
cd rua
makepkg -si
In the web interface, package is [rua](

## Install (the Rust way)
* Install dependencies: `pacman -S --needed base-devel bubblewrap rust`
* Build:
* * `cargo install`, to build in cloned repo
* * `cargo install rua`, to build from

There won't be bash/zsh/fish completions this way, but everything else should work.

## How it works
We'll consider the "install" command as it's the most advanced one. RUA will:

1. Fetch the AUR package (via git)
1. Check .SRCINFO for other AUR dependencies, repeat the process for them
1. Once all dependencies are fetched, we know which pacman packages are needed to install, and which AUR packages are needed to be built and installed. Show this summary to the user.
1. If the user proceeds, let them review all repo-s, including their PKGBUILDs.
1. Build all AUR packages of maximum dependency "depth"
1. After all are built, let the user review them all
1. If review passes, let the user install these packages
1. The lowest (dependency-wise) packages are now installed. Go to 5.
1. Exit when all packages are installed.

## Limitations

* Smart caching is not implemented yet. To avoid outdated builds, RUA wipes caches in case of possible conflict. This may change in the future.
* Optional dependencies (optdepends) are not installed. They are skipped. Check them out manually when you review PKGBUILD. This may change in the future.
* The tool does not show you outdated packages yet (those that have updates in AUR). Pull requests are welcomed.
* Unless you explicitly enable it, builds do not share package manager data with normal user home (~). This may result in rust/maven/npm/whatever packages being re-downloaded each build. If you want to override some of that, take a look at ~/.config/rua/wrap_args.d/ and the parent directory for examples.

## Safety
RUA only adds build-time safety and install-time control. Once/if packages pass your review, they are as run-time safe as they were in the first place. Do not install AUR packages you don't trust.

When building packages, RUA uses the following filesystem isolation by default:

* Build directory is mounted read-write.
* ~/.gnupg directory is mounted read-only, excluding ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d, which is blocked. This allows signature verification to work.
* The rest of `~` is not visible to the build process, mounted under tmpfs.
* The rest of `/` is mounted read-only.
* You can add your mount points by configuring "wrap_args".

## Other

The RUA name can be read as "RUst Aur jail", also an inversion of "AUR".

Project is shared under GPLv3+.