ru_annoy 0.1.3

A rust implementation of annoy( (Index serving only). Providing C api as well
# RuAnnoy

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This library is a rust port of [spotify/annoy]( , currently only index serving is supported.

### Install via []
# Cargo.toml
ru_annoy = "0"

### Usage
use ru_annoy::*;

let index = AnnoyIndex::load(10, "index.ann", IndexType::Angular).unwrap();
let v0 = index.get_item_vector(0);
let nearest = index.get_nearest(v0.as_ref(), 5, -1, true);

## FFI support

### kotlin/java

It uses JNI bindings to rust crate and is ~5-10x faster than [pure java implementation]( in [benchmark scenario](
#### Install via []
repositories {
  maven { url '' }
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.hanabi1224:RuAnnoy:<tag>'
#### Usage
val index = AnnoyIndex.tryLoad("index.5d.ann", 5, IndexType.Angular)

### dotnet

| Runtimes                      | Nuget package                                                                                                                                 |
| ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| RuAnnoy                       | [![NuGet version]]                                             |
| RuAnnoy-Batteries-Windows-x64 | [![NuGet version]] |
| RuAnnoy-Batteries-Linux-x64   | [![NuGet version]]     |
| RuAnnoy-Batteries-Darwin-x64  | [![NuGet version]]   |

#### Install via nuget
    <PackageReference Include="RuAnnoy" Version="*" />
    <PackageReference Include="RuAnnoy-Batteries-Windows-x64" Version="*" />
#### Usage
var index = AnnoyIndex.Load("index.5d.ann", 5, IndexType.Angular);

+ Index building support
+ CLI tool to build index from file