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The semi-standard JSON format for validated RPKI data.

There are multiple slightly different flavours around. This implementation tries to be able to read all of them and produces the flavour used by Routinator (because of course).

Specifically, we expect the JSON file to be an object with one member called "roa" which contains a list of object. Each object represents one VRP and contains one member called "prefix" containing the prefix as a string in ‘slash notation,’ one member called "asn" with the AS number as either an integer or a string with or without the AS prefix, and one member called maxLength with the max length as an integer.

Additional members are allowed both in the top-level object and the VRP objects. They are simply ignored.

When creating a JSON file, this minimal format will be used. The ASN will be represented as a string with the AS prefix.


A stream of JSON formatted output.

The content of a JSON formatted data set.