rtlola-reporting 0.2.2

An error reporting crate for RTLola-related crates.
# RTLola Reporting

RTLola is a stream-based runtime verification framework.  It parses an RTLola specification, analyses it, and generates executable monitors for it.
The framework is separated into a front-end and several back-ends.

This crate is part of the RTLola front-end, which includes several sub-modules:
* Main Crate: The RTLola front-end: [rtlola-frontend]https://crates.io/crates/rtlola-frontend 
* A parser for RTLola specifications: [rtlola-parser]https://crates.io/crates/rtlola-parser 
* The RTLola high-level intermediate representation including a strong static analysis: [rtlola-hir]https://crates.io/crates/rtlola-hir
* Procedural macros: [rtlola-macros]https://crates.io/crates/rtlola-macros

# Copyright

Copyright (C) CISPA - Helmholtz Center for Information Security 2021-23.  Authors: Florian Kohn, Maximilian Schwenger.
Based on original work at Universität des Saarlandes (C) 2020.  Authors: Jan Baumeister, Florian Kohn, Malte Schledjewski, Maximilian Schwenger, Marvin Stenger, and Leander Tentrup.