Macro timelog::emit_xml

source ·
macro_rules! emit_xml {
    ($target:expr; $text:expr) => { ... };
    ($target:expr, $tag:ident; $text:expr) => { ... };
    ($target:expr, $tag:ident, $($attr:ident: $val:expr),+; $text:expr) => { ... };
    ($target:expr, $tag:ident => $block:block) => { ... };
    ($target:expr, $tag:ident, $($attr:ident: $val:expr),+ => $block:block) => { ... };
    ($target:expr, $tag:ident) => { ... };
    ($target:expr, $tag:ident, $($attr:ident: $val:expr),+) => { ... };
Expand description

Write XmlEvents to the supplied writer.

The first argument to the macro is always the writer object. When writing elements, the second argument is the tag name, followed by an optional list of attr: "value" pairs, separated by commas.

If the content of the element is just text, the above will be followed by a ; and an expression giving the text.

If the content is more XML, the start definition will be followed by => and a block. The block contains further XML writing code must return a Result;

If you want to just send text to the XML, the only thing following the writer should be a ; and and expression giving the text.


use xml::writer::{EmitterConfig, XmlEvent};
use timelog::emit_xml;
use timelog::Result;

let mut file = File::create("output.html").expect("Can't open file");
let mut w = EmitterConfig::new()
    .create_writer(&mut file);

    emit_xml!(w, html => {
        emit_xml!(w, head => {
            emit_xml!(w, title; "This is the page")
        emit_xml!(w, body => {
            emit_xml!(w, div, class: "group" => {
                emit_xml!(w, h1; &format!("Page for {}", "me"))?;
                emit_xml!(w, p, class: "stuff"; "Useless text")?;
                emit_xml!(w, br)
            emit_xml!(w, p => {
                emit_xml!(w; "This is some random text.")?;
                emit_xml!(w, em; "That is part of more formatted text.")