[][src]Crate rsys


Crate for aquiring information about host machine and operating system in a os-agnostic fashion.

The common api is available through Rsys struct which compiles conditionally with required methods. The error and result type is available at the root of this crate for convienience while all the methods exposed by Rsys struct are also available in each os module.

Main goals are clear and easy api with as much of the api being os-agnostic.

Example usage:

  • Cargo.toml
rsys = "0.4"
  • main.rs
This example is not tested
use rsys::{Result, Rsys};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // You can either use api through Rsys object
    // for os-agnostic experience
    let rsys = Rsys::new();
    println!("HOSTNAME - {}", rsys.hostname()?);
    let iface = rsys.default_iface()?;
    println!("CPU - {}", rsys.cpu()?);
    println!("ARCH - {}", rsys.arch()?);
    println!("MEMORY TOTAL - {}b", rsys.memory_total()?);
    println!("UPTIME - {}s", rsys.uptime()?);
    println!("SWAP TOTAL - {}b", rsys.swap_total()?);
    println!("CPU CORES - {}", rsys.cpu_cores()?);
    println!("CPU CLOCK - {}MHz", rsys.cpu_clock()?);
    println!("IPv4 - {}", rsys.ipv4(&iface)?);
    println!("MAC - {}", rsys.mac(&iface)?);
    println!("INTERFACES - {:#?}", rsys.interfaces()?);

    // Or use functions in each module
    if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
        println!("KERNEL VERSION - {}", rsys::linux::kernel_version()?);
        println!("HOSTNAME - {}", rsys::linux::hostname()?);

        // Os-specific functions are also available as methods
        println!("MEMORY - {:#?}", rsys.memory()?);
        println!("KERNEL_VERSION - {:#?}", rsys.kernel_version()?);



MacOS specific api



Main interface that allows for os-agnostic api.



Error type used by this crate

Type Definitions


Helper result definition for less repetition in type signatures used throughout this crate