rstr 0.1.0

A library for managing a content-addressable blob store
#![deny(clippy::all, clippy::cargo)]
#![warn(clippy::pedantic, clippy::missing_panics_doc)]
#![allow(clippy::multiple_crate_versions, clippy::must_use_candidate)]
//! `rstr` is a library for managing a content-addressable blob store.
//! The [`BlobStore`] struct manages the interaction with the blob store.
//! An entry in the blob store is represented by an instance of the struct [`BlobRef`].
//! # Examples
//! Add files or directories to the blob store:
//! ```
//! use rstr::{BlobStore,BlobRef};
//! use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
//! let blob_store = BlobStore::new("../tests/test_data_store").unwrap();
//! let n_threads: u8 = 8;
//! let (blob_refs_with_paths, _): (Vec<(PathBuf, BlobRef)>, _) = blob_store.add_files(
//!     &[
//!         // Can add files
//!         Path::new("../tests/test_file.txt"),
//!         // or directories
//!         Path::new("tests/"),
//!     ],
//!     n_threads,
//! );
//! let blob_refs: Vec<BlobRef> = blob_refs_with_paths.into_iter().map(|(_, b)| b).collect();
//! ```
//! Retrieve a blob from the blob store
//! ```
//! use rstr::{BlobStore, BlobRef};
//! let blob_store = BlobStore::new("../tests/test_data_store").unwrap();
//! // Retrieve a blob from the blob store
//! let reference = "f29bc64a9d3732b4b9035125fdb3285f5b6455778edca72414671e0ca3b2e0de";
//! let blob_ref = BlobRef::new(reference).unwrap();
//! assert!(blob_store.exists(&blob_ref));
//! // Get the blob's content
//! let content = blob_store.get(&blob_ref).unwrap();
//! // Get the blob's metadata
//! let metadata = blob_store.metadata(&blob_ref).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(metadata.filename, "test_file.txt");
//! assert_eq!(metadata.mime_type, "text/plain");
//! ```

mod error;
mod models;
mod utils;

pub use error::{Error, Result};
pub use models::{BlobMetadata, BlobRef, BlobStore};
pub use sha2::Digest as Sha2Digest;