rstml-component-axum 0.2.7

Integration with rstml-component for Axum

rstml-component-axum: Integration with rstml-component for Axum

rstml-component-axum is a crate designed to streamline the usage of rstml-component within Axum projects. This crate provides glue code and helpers to make it easier to create dynamic HTML content using rstml-component within your Axum applications.


  • Simplified Integration: Seamlessly integrate rstml-component into your Axum handlers for efficient HTML generation.

  • Optimized for Axum: Enjoy the benefits of both rstml-component and Axum for building high-performance server applications.


To use rstml-component-axum in your Axum project, add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:

rstml-component-axum = "0.1.0"


Here's a basic example demonstrating how to use rstml-component-axum to integrate rstml-component with an Axum handler:

use axum::{response::IntoResponse, routing::get, Router};
use rstml_component::{move_html, write_html, For, HtmlComponent, HtmlContent};
use rstml_component_axum::HtmlContentAxiosExt;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

struct Book {
	title: &'static str,
	author: &'static str,

impl Book {
	fn new(title: &'static str, author: &'static str) -> Self {
		Self { title, author }

impl HtmlContent for Book {
	fn fmt(self, formatter: &mut rstml_component::HtmlFormatter) -> std::fmt::Result {

// Your Axum handler
async fn index() -> impl IntoResponse {
	let books = [
		("Moby Dick", "Herman Melville"),
		("Lord of the Rings", "John Ronald Reuel Tolkien"),

		<div class="books">
			<For items={books}>
				{ |f, book| Book::new(book.0, book.1).fmt(f) }

async fn main() {
	let app = Router::new().route("/", get(index));

	let addr = SocketAddr::from(([0, 0, 0, 0], 3000));
	println!("listening on {}", addr);


For a more detailed walkthrough and additional examples, refer to the documentation for rstml-component-axum.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.