[][src]Attribute Macro rstest::fixture


Define a fixture that you can use in all rstest's test arguments. You should just mark your function as [fixture] and then use it as a test's argument. Fixture functions can also use other fixtures.

Let's see a trivial example:

use rstest::*;

fn twenty_one() -> i32 { 21 }

fn two() -> i32 { 2 }

fn injected(twenty_one: i32, two: i32) -> i32 { twenty_one * two }

fn the_test(injected: i32) {
    assert_eq!(42, injected)

Partial Injection

You can also partialy inject fixture dependency simply indicate dependency value as fixture argument:

use rstest::*;

fn base() -> i32 { 1 }

fn first(base: i32) -> i32 { 1 * base }

fn second(base: i32) -> i32 { 2 * base }

fn injected(first: i32, second: i32) -> i32 { first * second }

fn the_test(injected: i32) {
    assert_eq!(-6, injected)

Note that injected value can be an arbitrary rust expression.

Sometimes the return type cannot be infered so you must define it: For the few times you may need to do it, you can use the default<type>, partial_n<type> attribute syntax to define it:

use rstest::*;

pub fn i() -> u32 {

pub fn j() -> i32 {

#[fixture(::default<impl Iterator<Item=(u32, i32)>>::partial_1<impl Iterator<Item=(I,i32)>>)]
pub fn fx<I, J>(i: I, j: J) -> impl Iterator<Item=(I, J)> {
    std::iter::once((i, j))

fn resolve_by_default<I: Debug + PartialEq>(mut fx: impl Iterator<Item=I>) {
    assert_eq!((42, -42), fx.next().unwrap())

fn resolve_partial<I: Debug + PartialEq>(mut fx: impl Iterator<Item=I>) {
    assert_eq!((42.0, -42), fx.next().unwrap())

partial_i is the fixture used when you inject the first i arguments in test call.