[][src]Attribute Macro rstest::rstest


Write a test that can be injected with [fixture]s. You can declare all used fixtures by passing them as a function's arguments.

use rstest::*;

fn injected() -> i32 { 42 }

fn the_test(injected: i32) {
    assert_eq!(42, injected)

[rstest] macro will desugar it to something that is not so far from

fn the_test() {
    let injected=injected();
    assert_eq!(42, injected)

You can dump all input arguments of your test by using the trace parameter for the [rstest] attribute.

use rstest::*;

fn injected() -> i32 { 42 }

fn the_test(injected: i32) {
    assert_eq!(42, injected)

Will print an output like

Testing started at 14.12 ...
------------ TEST ARGUMENTS ------------
injected = 42
-------------- TEST START --------------

Expected :42
Actual   :43

If you want to trace input arguments but skip some of them that do not implement the Debug trait, you can also use the notrace(list_of_inputs) modifier:

#[rstest(trace::notrace(xzy, have_no_sense))]
fn the_test(injected: i32, xyz: Xyz, have_no_sense: NoSense) {
    assert_eq!(42, injected)