rstb 0.8.1

Rust library for manipulating Breath of the Wild's resource size table
# BOTW resource size table (RSTB) library in Rust


A quick and easy library for manipulating the resource size table (RSTB)
from *The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild* in Rust. Can edit an RSTB
directly or convert to and from a JSON representation.
Basic usage to manipulate an RSTB file:

use rstb::{ResourceSizeTable, Endian};
let buf: Vec<u8> = std::fs::read("test/ResourceSizeTable.product.rsizetable")?;
// Read RSTB from data, can automatically decompress if yaz0 compressed
// (requires `yaz0` feature)
let mut table: ResourceSizeTable = ResourceSizeTable::from_binary(buf)?;
// Set the size for a resource
table.set("Map/MainField/A-1/A-1_Dynamic.mubin", 777);
// Check the size
// Dump to JSON, if `json` feature enabled
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
    let json_table = table.to_text();
    // From JSON back to RSTB
    let new_table = ResourceSizeTable::from_text(&json_table)?;
// Write new binary copy, and we'll yaz0 compress it
#[cfg(feature = "yaz0")]
let out_buf: Vec<u8> = table.to_compressed_binary(Endian::Big);