pub trait RTreeNum: Bounded + Num + Clone + Copy + Signed + PartialOrd + Debug { }
Expand description

Defines a number type that is compatible with rstar.

rstar works out of the box with the following standard library types:

  • i32
  • i64
  • f32
  • f64

This type cannot be implemented directly. Instead, it is required to implement all required traits from the num_traits crate.


use num_traits::{Bounded, Num, Signed};

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Debug)]
struct MyFancyNumberType(f32);

impl Bounded for MyFancyNumberType {
  // ... details hidden ...

impl Signed for MyFancyNumberType {
  // ... details hidden ...

impl Num for MyFancyNumberType {
  // ... details hidden ...

// Lots of traits are still missing to make the above code compile, but
// let's assume they're implemented. `MyFancyNumberType` type now readily implements
// RTreeNum and can be used with r-trees:
use rstar::RTree;
let mut rtree = RTree::new();
rtree.insert([MyFancyNumberType(0.0), MyFancyNumberType(0.0)]);
