rss2tg 0.2.3

RSS to telegram translation layer. Developed with Nextcloud Activities in mind.
# rss2tg

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RSS to telegram translation layer. Developed with Nextcloud Activities in mind.

## Usage

To use this crate as a binary you should:
 * get Telegram Bot Token
 * add this bot to the conversation you want to write RSS feed to
 * get id of this conversation
 * add all of the above to the config file

## Config example 

last_guid_file = ".last_guid"

rss_url = "https://YOURDOMAIN/apps/activity/rss.php?token=YOUR_NEXTCLOUD_ACTIVITIES_TOKEN"
last_guid_file = ".last_guid"

 * `YOURDOMAIN` is your nextcloud instance domain name
 * `YOUR_NEXTCLOUD_ACTIVITIES_TOKEN` is token from your nextcloud __activity__ tab -> settings -> Enable RSS feed
 * `YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` is token for bot you've registered in telegram through @BotFather
 * `TARGET_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID` is id of chat you want your bot to write RSS to (if it's a group this id starts with `-` (minus symbol) )