Crate rss

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Library for serializing the RSS web content syndication format.


A channel can be read from any object that implements the BufRead trait.

§From a file

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use rss::Channel;

let file = File::open("example.xml").unwrap();
let channel = Channel::read_from(BufReader::new(file)).unwrap();

§From a buffer

Note: This example requires reqwest crate.

use std::error::Error;
use rss::Channel;

async fn example_feed() -> Result<Channel, Box<dyn Error>> {
    let content = reqwest::get("")
    let channel = Channel::read_from(&content[..])?;


A channel can be written to any object that implements the Write trait or converted to an XML string using the ToString trait.

Note: Writing a channel does not perform any escaping of XML entities.

use rss::Channel;

let channel = Channel::default();
channel.write_to(::std::io::sink()).unwrap(); // write to the channel to a writer
let string = channel.to_string(); // convert the channel to a string


Builder methods are provided to assist in the creation of channels.

Note: This requires the builders feature, which is enabled by default.

use rss::ChannelBuilder;

let channel = ChannelBuilder::default()
    .title("Channel Title")
    .description("An RSS feed.")


Validation methods are provided to validate the contents of a channel against the RSS specification.

Note: This requires enabling the validation feature.

use rss::Channel;
use rss::validation::Validate;

let channel = Channel::default();


  • Types and methods for namespaced extensions.



  • Errors that occur during parsing.