rss 1.8.0

Library for serializing the RSS web content syndication format
# rss

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Library for serializing the RSS web content syndication format.

### Supported Versions

Reading from the following RSS versions is supported:

* RSS 0.90
* RSS 0.91
* RSS 0.92
* RSS 1.0
* RSS 2.0

Writing support is limited to RSS 2.0.

### Documentation

- [Released]
- [Master]

## Usage

Add the dependency to your `Cargo.toml`.

rss = "1.0"

The package includes a single crate named `rss`.

extern crate rss;

## Reading

### From a Reader

A channel can be read from any object that implements the `BufRead` trait.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use rss::Channel;

let file = File::open("example.xml").unwrap();
let channel = Channel::read_from(BufReader::new(file)).unwrap();

### From a URL

A channel can also be read from a URL.

**Note**: This requires enabling the `from_url` feature.

use rss::Channel;

let channel = Channel::from_url("").unwrap();

## Writing

A channel can be written to any object that implements the `Write` trait or converted to an XML string using the `ToString` trait.

**Note**: Writing a channel does not perform any escaping of XML entities.

use rss::Channel;

let channel = Channel::default();
channel.write_to(::std::io::sink()).unwrap(); // // write to the channel to a writer
let string = channel.to_string(); // convert the channel to a string

## Creation

Builder methods are provided to assist in the creation of channels.

use rss::ChannelBuilder;

let channel = ChannelBuilder::default()
    .title("Channel Title")
    .description("An RSS feed.")

## Validation

Validation methods are provided to validate the contents of a channel against the RSS specification.

**Note**: This requires enabling the `validation` feature.

use rss::Channel;
use rss::validation::Validate;

let channel = Channel::default();

## Extensions

Elements which have non-default namespaces will be considered extensions. Extensions are stored in `Channel.extensions` and `Item.extensions`. 

For conveninence, [Dublin Core](, [Syndication]( and [iTunes]( extensions are extracted to structs and stored in as properties on channels and items.

## Invalid Feeds

As a best effort to parse invalid feeds `rss` will default elements declared as "required" by the RSS 2.0 specification to an empty string.

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.