rsrl 0.1.1

A fast, extensible reinforcement learning framework in Rust

RSRL (api)

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The rsrl crate provides generic constructs for running reinforcement learning (RL) experiments. The main objective of the project is to provide a simple, extensible framework to investigate new algorithms and methods for solving learning problems. It aims to combine speed, safety and ease of use.


The examples directory will be helpful here.

See below for a simple example script which makes use of the GreedyGQ algorithm with using a fourier basis function approximator to represent the action-value function applied to the canonical mountain car problem.

extern crate rsrl;
#[macro_use] extern crate slog;

use rsrl::{run, logging, Parameter, SerialExperiment, Evaluation};
use rsrl::agents::control::gtd::GreedyGQ;
use rsrl::domains::{Domain, MountainCar};
use rsrl::fa::Linear;
use rsrl::fa::projection::Fourier;
use rsrl::geometry::Space;
use rsrl::policies::EpsilonGreedy;

fn main() {
    let logger = logging::root(logging::stdout());

    let domain = MountainCar::default();
    let mut agent = {
        let n_actions = domain.action_space().span().into();

        // Build the linear value functions using a fourier basis projection.
        let v_func = Linear::new(Fourier::from_space(3, domain.state_space()), 1);
        let q_func = Linear::new(Fourier::from_space(3, domain.state_space()), n_actions);

        // Build a stochastic behaviour policy with exponentially decaying epsilon.
        let policy = EpsilonGreedy::new(Parameter::exponential(0.99, 0.05, 0.99));

        GreedyGQ::new(q_func, v_func, policy, 1e-1, 1e-3, 0.99)

    // Training phase:
    let _training_result = {
        // Build a serial learning experiment with a maximum of 1000 steps per episode.
        let e = SerialExperiment::new(&mut agent, Box::new(MountainCar::default), 1000);

        // Realise 5000 episodes of the experiment generator.
        run(e, 1000, Some(logger.clone()))

    // Testing phase:
    let testing_result =
        Evaluation::new(&mut agent, Box::new(MountainCar::default)).next().unwrap();

    info!(logger, "solution"; testing_result);