rspotifys 0.13.0

Spotify API wrapper
//! Refresh tokens aren't meant to expire, so they can be used as a persistent
//! authentication method without the need for user's interaction for oauth
//! requests. You still need to authenticate the usual way at least once to
//! obtain the refresh token, and you may need to obtain a new one if you change
//! the required scopes.
//! The cache generated by `get_token` uses the refresh token under the hood to
//! automatically authenticate the user. This example shows how it's done
//! because sometimes it's not possible to use this cache file (a web server for
//! example).
//! *Note*: refresh tokens can actually expire, [as the OAuth2 spec
//! indicates](, but this [hasn't
//! actually happened in months with some
//! tokens](, so in the case of
//! Spotify it doesn't seem to revoke them at all.

use rspotify::{
    model::ArtistId, prelude::*, scopes, AuthCodePkceSpotify, AuthCodeSpotify, Credentials, OAuth,

// Sample request that will follow some artists, print the user's
// followed artists, and then unfollow the artists.
async fn do_things(spotify: &AuthCodeSpotify) {
    let artists = [
        ArtistId::from_id("3RGLhK1IP9jnYFH4BRFJBS").unwrap(), // The Clash
        ArtistId::from_id("0yNLKJebCb8Aueb54LYya3").unwrap(), // New Order
        ArtistId::from_id("2jzc5TC5TVFLXQlBNiIUzE").unwrap(), // a-ha
    let num_artists = artists.len();
        .user_follow_artists(artists.iter().map(|a| a.as_ref()))
        .expect("couldn't follow artists");
    println!("Followed {num_artists} artists successfully.");

    // Printing the followed artists
    let followed = spotify
        .current_user_followed_artists(None, None)
        .expect("couldn't get user followed artists");
        "User currently follows at least {} artists.",

        .expect("couldn't unfollow artists");
    println!("Unfollowed {num_artists} artists successfully.");

// Sample request that will follow some artists, print the user's
// followed artists, and then unfollow the artists.
async fn pkce_do_things(spotify: &AuthCodePkceSpotify) {
    let artists = [
        ArtistId::from_id("3RGLhK1IP9jnYFH4BRFJBS").unwrap(), // The Clash
        ArtistId::from_id("0yNLKJebCb8Aueb54LYya3").unwrap(), // New Order
        ArtistId::from_id("2jzc5TC5TVFLXQlBNiIUzE").unwrap(), // a-ha
    let num_artists = artists.len();
        .user_follow_artists(artists.iter().map(|a| a.as_ref()))
        .expect("AuthCodePkceSpotify couldn't follow artists");
    println!("AuthCodePkceSpotify Followed {num_artists} artists successfully.");

    // Printing the followed artists
    let followed = spotify
        .current_user_followed_artists(None, None)
        .expect("couldn't get user followed artists");
        "AuthCodePkceSpotify User currently follows at least {} artists.",

        .expect("couldn't unfollow artists");
    println!("AuthCodePkceSpotify Unfollowed {num_artists} artists successfully.");
async fn refresh_pkce_code(creds: Credentials, oauth: OAuth) {
    let mut spotify = AuthCodePkceSpotify::new(creds.clone(), oauth.clone());

    // Obtaining the access token
    let url = spotify.get_authorize_url(None).unwrap();
    // This function requires the `cli` feature enabled.

    // Token refreshing works as well, but should with the one generated in the
    // previous request

    // At a different time, the refresh token can be used to refresh an access
    // token directly and run requests:
    println!(">>> Pkce Session two, running some requests:");
    // No `prompt_for_user_token` needed.
        .expect("couldn't refresh user token");

    // This process can now be repeated multiple times by using only the
    // refresh token that was obtained at the beginning.
    println!(">>> Pkce Session three, running some requests:");
        .expect("couldn't refresh user token");

async fn refresh_auth_code(creds: Credentials, oauth: OAuth) {
    let spotify = AuthCodeSpotify::new(creds.clone(), oauth.clone());

    // In the first session of the application we authenticate and obtain the
    // refresh token. We can also do some requests here.
    println!(">>> Session one, obtaining refresh token and running some requests:");
    let url = spotify.get_authorize_url(false).unwrap();
    // This function requires the `cli` feature enabled.
        .expect("couldn't authenticate successfully");
    // Token refreshing works as well, but should with the one generated in the
    // previous request

    // At a different time, the refresh token can be used to refresh an access
    // token directly and run requests:
    println!(">>> Session two, running some requests:");
    // No `prompt_for_user_token` needed.
        .expect("couldn't refresh user token");

    // This process can now be repeated multiple times by using only the
    // refresh token that was obtained at the beginning.
    println!(">>> Session three, running some requests:");
        .expect("couldn't refresh user token");

async fn main() {
    // You can use any logger for debugging.

    // May require the `env-file` feature enabled if the environment variables
    // aren't configured manually.
    let creds = Credentials::from_env().unwrap();
    let oauth = OAuth::from_env(scopes!("user-follow-read user-follow-modify")).unwrap();
    refresh_auth_code(creds.clone(), oauth.clone()).await;

    refresh_pkce_code(creds, oauth).await;