rspotify-http 0.13.1

HTTP compatibility layer for RSpotify
//! The HTTP client may vary depending on which one the user configures. This
//! module contains the required logic to use different clients interchangeably.

// Disable all modules when both client features are enabled or when none are.
// This way only the compile error below gets shown instead of a whole list of
// confusing errors..

#[cfg(feature = "client-reqwest")]
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq")))]
mod reqwest;

#[cfg(feature = "client-ureq")]
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq")))]
mod ureq;

#[cfg(any(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq"))]
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq")))]
mod common;

#[cfg(feature = "client-reqwest")]
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq")))]
pub use self::reqwest::{ReqwestClient as HttpClient, ReqwestError as HttpError};

#[cfg(feature = "client-ureq")]
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq")))]
pub use self::ureq::{UreqClient as HttpClient, UreqError as HttpError};

#[cfg(any(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq"))]
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq")))]
pub use common::{BaseHttpClient, Form, Headers, Query};

#[cfg(all(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq"))]
    "`client-reqwest` and `client-ureq` features cannot both be enabled at \
    the same time, if you want to use `client-ureq` you need to set \
    `default-features = false`"

#[cfg(not(any(feature = "client-reqwest", feature = "client-ureq")))]
    "You have to enable at least one of the available clients with the \
    `client-reqwest` or `client-ureq` features."